The Lost City (Mission 9)

My best time on Expert:  35 minutes, 50 seconds
Maximum Possible Treasure:  2845 or 3205 (see below)


"The knowledge of those who came before could neither be disseminated or destroyed. Its power would be a dangerous tool in the wrong hands, but would also insure against future cataclysm. At that time we chose to maintain it with writings preserved in extant locations."
  — Keeper Annals

The Keepers have hidden the Talisman of Fire in a place they call "The Lost City". Some kind of cataclysm buried the place underground ages ago. The Keepers have sealed the access to the city: a cleft in the river bottom near the east side. If the materials in the library are right, the strange stone I found can be used to open that seal.

I've also got a's so old the edges crumble in my hands. It shows the city...or at least how it was back then. I hope the old place hasn't changed much....

Objectives:  Normal

  1. The sealed entrance to the Lost City is supposed to be at the bottom of the river around here somewhere. Getting past that is the first step.
  2. The Talisman of Fire was hidden in the Lost City long ago. Time for it to go.
  3. Finding the Talisman is well and good, but you'll have to get back out for it to be worth it.

Objectives:  Hard & Expert

  1. The sealed entrance to the Lost City is supposed to be at the bottom of the river around here somewhere. Getting past that is the first step.
  2. The Lost City must have a lot of lost treasure in it. Pick up some.
  3. An expedition the Keepers sent once to map the Lost City never returned. They'll owe you a favor if you can recover the medallions from the remains.
  4. The Talisman of Fire was hidden in the Lost City long ago. Time for it to go.
  5. Finding the Talisman is well and good, but you'll have to get back out for it to be worth it.

Simplified Objectives

  1. Find an entrance to the Lost City.
  2. Get 2000 in loot including 500 in gems.
  3. Recover the Keeper medallions from the lost expedition.
  4. Obtain the Talisman of Fire.
  5. Leave the Lost City.

Before The Mission

What You'll Encounter:  Spiders, Burricks, Fire Elementals, Mages (Air, Earth, Fire, Water).

Starting Funds:  Whatever you steal from the Mages of the Hand Brotherhood. (Maximum: 2812.)

Starting Gear:

  • 20 Broadhead Arrows
  • 5 Water Arrows
  • 1 Rope Arrow
  • 1 Set of Lock Picks
  • 1 Key

Items for Sale:

  • 20 Broadhead Arrows (Cost: 25 each)
  • 20 Water Arrows (Cost: 50 each)
  • 5 Gas Arrows (Cost: 500 each)
  • 5 Rope Arrows (Cost: 200 each)
  • 2 Flash Bombs (Cost: 200 each)
  • 2 Breath Potions (Cost: 125 each)
  • 2 Healing Potions (Cost: 250 each)
  • 1 Papyrus (Cost: 150)

NOTE:  Guess what? Once again, your Sword and Blackjack are not shown with your starting gear, yet magically appear in your possession when the mission starts!

The key you start with is the stone object you took from the library in "The Haunted Cathedral".

The Papyrus is described thusly: "An acquaintance will sell you a commission he has to pick up some antiquities which you may be able to find around the Lost City." Purchasing this item increases the total value of the treasure you can find during this mission by 360. Those of you who rely heavily on your purchases for each mission may want to buy this item so that you have that much extra during the next mission. The walkthrough for this mission is done reflecting the fact that you purchase this commission.

For those who choose NOT to purchase this, however, the Papyrus is reprinted here for your edification:

Sangar —

Let me know if you ever come across any good antiquities in your, ah, explorations. I'd be particularly interested in any ritual headdresses and masks. The gold and enamel work from Cyric is increasingly rare, and I needn't point out that if you ever found something dating back to the Precursors, I'd make you a rich man.
  — Bram Gervaisius

Strangely enough, purchasing this commission does NOT change the amount of loot you need to advance to the next mission, only the total amount that you can find during this one. Also, it does not seem to affect how many treasure items you find, but only the value of these items. There are three masks you can find, that are apparently worthless if you do not purchase the commission. Each one is worth 120.

As far as purchasing Breath Potions is concerned, there is only one place where you may need one, and it is near the beginning. You have a long underwater tunnel to traverse. While I have been unable to move from one end to the other unharmed, I have done so taking only 3 points of damage. If you don't mind running around the mission lacking a few health points, then the Breath Potion is probably a waste of money for you. If you like having all your health points however, note that they are half the cost of a Healing Potion.

With all the Fire Elementals around, not to mention several places where you will want darkness, a plethora of Water Arrows would certainly be prudent. However, you will be able to pick up several during the mission, so I suggest you only buy about fifteen. Also, at least one Gas Arrow, preferably two or three. You may prefer Flash Bombs over Gas Arrows, as they're cheaper, but I like the Gas Arrow's long-distance option. :) Also, there is only one Healing Potion to be found on this mission. If you want any, buy them now. Finally, there are one or two areas where Rope Arrows are essential...and a point early on where you can lose one. If you're not confident with your "jump and grab" ability, you may want to buy one or two extras.

Recommended Purchases:  15 Water Arrows, 3 Gas Arrows, 1 Flash Bomb, 1 Papyrus. Total Cost: 2600

NOTE:  This walkthrough is assuming, for the most part, that you have made some of the recommended purchases!

Mission Notes

Apparently, this mission has been redesigned rather heavily from the one found in the original Thief game (at least in content, and to a lesser extent, geography). While browsing online, I've found references to Craymen in this mission, which I did not find, and NO mention of Mages, which are rather abundant. I'm afraid if you're playing the original Thief game, this walkthrough may not be much help to you. :( (All the treasure locations seem to be the same though, from what I've found.)

At various points in this mission, you'll find dark rooms that when you enter, light up. There is a blue sensor device on the ceiling that detects your presence. While this can be annoying, as it keeps you from hiding, it can also be used by you to tell when others are moving in and out of rooms. Sometimes you move between rooms that each have these sensors, but you can fool them by standing in the doorway between the rooms. Then both sensors go dark, and you're hidden. :)

The Keeper Medallions which you are supposed to retrieve are not, in fact, both in the same location. You'll have to find both in order to get the credit for the Mission Objective.

WATER ARROWS ARE PRECIOUS FOR THIS MISSION! You need LOTS, and then some! If you are trying to extinguish Fire Elementals with them, and you miss one, I highly suggest reloading your game. While you will probably NOT need all you find and purchase, it is best not to tempt fate. The last thing you want is to have to get past a Fire Elemental after you've run out of Water Arrows!

Likewise Rope Arrows. There is a point where you will want to have three Rope Arrows to proceed. (Although one IS sufficient, the more you have the better.) Just shortly before that point you will have the opportunity to pick up one, and there is an area in the beginning where you can pick up another. However, if you lose any of these, unless you have purchased extras, your progress will be more difficult.

While playing this mission, I got a big surprise when the Mages became involved...I was not expecting them. Quite a few of them are rather difficult to blackjack. I was wracking my brains trying to figure this problem out when I suddenly realized, "Hey! I'm allowed to kill!" Out came the Broadheads and whatever other lethal items were in my arsenal, and a bloodbath ensued! It felt good to kill something for a change. Hmmm...what does that say about me? :)


The Starting City Finding the Lost City The Old Library The Lost City, Burrick Areas The Lost City, Elemental Areas The Underground Tomb Tunnels and Caverns, Part One
The Arena, Part One Tunnels and Caverns, Part Two Obtaining the Talisman Leaving the Tower of Fire The Arena, Part Two Escaping the Lost City
The Starting City

You start off in your city, in a rather enclosed area...there are not many options of where to go. Move forward, and follow the turn ahead. You'll come to an area with a couple of options, but just keep moving forward. When you hit the entrance to the water, stop, and turn left. Move forward, up that small flight of stairs, and towards that wall ahead.

Turn so you are facing left, and look up. See the top part of the wall, with the criss-cross pattern? You're Rope Arrow will stick in that. Aim high, and somewhat close to the right. You'll need to jump off the rope and land on the roof nearby which slopes away from you.

NOTE:  There are two jumps from Rope Arrows in this small section. Try very hard to retrieve your Arrows as you will want them later! (See the Notes Regarding This Mission, above.)

When your arrow is secured, hop onto the rope, climb up, then turn right. You want to jump off the rope now, and if possible, grab the arrow when you do so. If you don't land properly, you may take some damage or, even worse, fall off the wrong side and have to do it all over again.

Once you've landed on the proper side, take a look around. In one corner of this small enclosed area is an old cart. Move over behind it, and on the ground you'll find two Broadhead Arrows and another Rope Arrow. Take what you like. Then move over to the stack of crates, and look behind them. Someone must use this place for their own private drinking parties. Take the golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 25) and the gold plate (50, Treasure Count: 75).

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is rather tricky, and you can lose your Rope Arrows here. Turn so the stack of crates is to your back, and look up. Again, that criss-cross pattern will hold your Rope Arrow, but for some reason only certain sections of it. The others will just break your arrow.

Look closely at the criss-cross pattern near the top. See a part over to your right where the pattern looks a little off? That's the dividing line. Anything that high to the right of that line will hold your arrow. Anything to the left that high will break it.

Aim your arrow high again. When it's secure, climb the rope, turn right, and jump off. Try to land on the roof below, sloping away from you, to minimize the damage you take when you fall (I've been unable to do this part without taking damage...anyone do it?). Also, try to get your arrow back again (with another jump-n-snatch manouevre).

[Note:  Someone has written in and told me that this part IS doable without taking damage. However, it involves using all three of your Rope Arrows, plus taking time to stack the crates.]

Finding the Lost City

One you're safely on the other side, turn to face the wall you just jumped across. To your right is a hole, with a ladder leading down into the water. Use the ladder, and when you're underwater, turn around so the ladder is to your back. Ahead to the left, you should see an odd design on the wall. This is the seal you need to use the key on. Swim over to it, and use the seal.

When the wall has pushed in enough to allow you to swim past it, do so. Inside this new tunnel, surface to replenish your air supply. Turn left, and move down this tunnel. When you get to the point where you have to go underwater, stop.

SAVE YOUR GAME! As I've said before, this part is a long underwater trek, and if you get lost down here, it could cost you your life.

Take a deep breath and dive. Follow the tunnel. It will eventually open up into an area where you have to swim downwards to continue. Do so, swimming down past that dark object (it looks sort of like an underwater shelf). Once past it, fix your view forward again, and swim ahead. In the next area you'll see what appears to be two pillar-like rock formations. Swim between them, and look down. Another hole to swim through. Dive deeper and swim through it. Near the bottom of this hole you'll see one side appears brighter than the others. Turn that way and swim ahead. You'll finally see the point where you can surface. Do so, and grab a lungful of that sweet air.

[NOTE:  I am told that, if you swim between the two pillar-like rock formations and look/swim upwards instead of downwards, there is a small pocket of air there where you can catch your breath. Also, there is apparently another air pocket if you look up just before diving down past the dark object I mention above. I have also been told that it IS possible to swim the entire distance without stopping, and emerge with full health. I have not yet verified any of these.]

Figure out which way the current is pulling you. Then turn so you're facing that direction, and hug the wall that is now on your right. The current will soon pull you past that wall, where it turns into a sort of ledge. Turn to face the ledge, and pull yourself up onto it.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is a little dangerous. With your back to the water, push forward and turn left. There are three Spiders on this ledge with you, so move fast so they don't bite you! Move forward until you're near the edge of a drop, then turn left again. Run forward and jump over the river, landing in that hole you spotted.

You're not safe yet though, there's a Spider in here too! Move forward until you exit the tunnel, and turn right. Move forward and down somewhat, turn right again, and exit the small cavern. Turn left, keep hugging the wall on your left, and move forward. Allow yourself to fall onto the ledge below.

SAVE YOUR GAME! You're safe for now. No Spider will reach you here. However, the ledge below you there should be two small Spiders roaming around. Pull out your Broadhead Arrows, and kill them. There is a third Spider down there, a larger one. Wait if you wish to and kill it with arrows. Or, if you don't wish to wait, drop down onto the ledge below and turn left. You should see the Spider now. Deal with it.

Once you've taken care of your arachnid problems, move into the tunnel the larger Spider was in, and follow it to the end. When you exit, you can turn either left or right...ignore the right passage. It's filled with more Spiders and leads to a dead end.

Turn left and move forward. There will be an opening on your right, but just ignore it and keep moving forward. (It may appear there's no tunnel there, but there is, it's just dark.) Follow this tunnel until you are standing in front of two sets of "sparks" shooting towards each other in the tunnel.

SAVE YOUR GAME! These sparks can hurt you. Wait for the spark activity to calm down, then rush through the small area. Ahead, an opening to the right drops into lava. There's another tunnel right across from it, to your left. Go into that tunnel. It has a few turns, but no choices, so follow it until you reach the end. (The end will be a paved area, obviously man-made.)

Move onto the paved area, and turn left (so the guard-rail is on your right). Move forward, and turn left when you get the chance. Move forward again, and soon you'll see an opening in the floor on your right.

The Old Library

SAVE YOUR GAME! You might meet a Burrick right away, which you would probably rather avoid. Turn to face the hole, and drop down into the building. This was once the library of the city. Depending on how you dropped down, your facing might be different than mine was. Turn around until you can see the blue sensor device in this room. Then turn so it is on your right. Ahead of you in this direction is a doorway. Go through it. (Considering the rubble in the way, you may have to duck to get through the door.)

Across from the entrance to this room are two windows, each containing two drinking cups. The ones in the window on your left are the valuable ones, so go grab them (15, 15, Treasure Count: 90, 105). Now turn and go back to the entrance you used, stand in the doorway so the sensors go out, and wait.

SAVE YOUR GAME! It's time to take care of the Burrick wandering around up here. Turn so you've got either room on your left or right, so you can lean out right and look down the passage out of the next room. Eventually you will see a Burrick come into view, approach the room, then turn and walk away. When happens, jump out from this room (literally, you'll have to jump because of the rubble), run up behind the Burrick, and surprise him with a downstroke of your Sword.

You probably needed to follow the Burrick through a couple of rooms before you got him, but that's okay...he follows a path you wanted to take. Assuming you are still facing the direction it was heading, keep moving forward through the rooms, ignoring any side trips that you could make. Soon (if you haven't already) you'll enter a room with lots of rubble, and the remains of a campfire. You'll have to turn right in order to keep going, so do so, and leave this room to enter another one filled with rubble. Turn right again, and go through the door ahead.

SAVE YOUR GAME! While not dangerous, you'd like to do this part only once. You should now be facing three "windows" or "slits" in the wall ahead, which look down onto the room below. Move over to the rightmost window, and hop into it. Look down, and you'll see the slanted top of some sort of support. Now wait, and a patrolling Burrick will come by. After he passes through the room below, fall down onto the support, then run up behind the creature and kill it.

[Alternatively, instead of moving to the rightmost window, move to the leftmost window, and turn to face the slit, and wait for the Burrick. When he comes into view, get him with a Broadhead. Keep firing until he falls.]

If you used the alternate method, one you've finished move over to the rightmost window and fall into the room below. If you used the method first described, then backtrack to the room you fell down into. Move through the doorway that the Burrick entered that room by, then turn right. Move forward and take the stairs down. Turn right.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be very dangerous, and if not done properly can kill you. There are FOUR Burricks you will have to deal with here.

Move forward, dropping down to the room below. Move forward towards the doorway ahead on your left, but stop before you get there. Then, turn right and lean left so you can see into the next room. If there are no Burricks present, then move into the room.

In this room, on either side of the door you entered by, are two recessed areas. With your back to the door, you want the one on your right. Move over into the recessed area, then turn so you're facing out into the room again, and duck.

Eventually, a roaming Burrick will enter the area. He will enter the room, look around, then leave. Wait until he's started to leave, then run up and kill him. Then turn around and move out of the room through the way you came in, turn left, and hide here. You'll want to lean out to keep an eye on the room, as now three Burricks will enter to investigate.

[Note:  Sometimes, they take a long time to come, and sometimes they don't seem to come at all. It would therefore be a good idea to save your game after you've killed the first and hidden yourself, so you can load the game in again if they don't come. Unfortunately, sometimes they get REALLY stubborn and won't come in at all. In that'll just have to hunt them down. :( ]

This is a good time to use one of your Gas Arrows. Try to aim it so it takes at least two Burricks out at the same time. Three is even better. Take these Burricks out as you see fit. (Note: Try not to use more than one Gas will probably want to use one or two later on.)

Once they are all taken care of, it is time for the reason you came down here. From the doorway where you hid, move across the room, and turn left. Move forward until you no longer can do so, then turn left and follow the corridor to the end. Enter the room there, and inside you will find a diamond (50, Treasure Count: 155), a necklace (175, Treasure Count: 330), and another drinking cup (15, Treasure Count: 345).

Leave this room the way you came in, and turn right. Move forward as far as you can, then turn right again. Move forward, past the openings on your left and right, until you re-enter the main room. Turn right, move to the end and through the door up the ramp. Turn left, move forward, and mantle up to the next level. Turn left and move forward. When you can, turn left again. Move into the next room, and turn left again.

Up the ramp ahead is an exit that appears to split in two. It does not matter which way you go. Climb the ramp, take the turn of your choice, and follow it around to another exit. Take the new exit into another room. You should now be facing another doorway partially filled with rubble.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be fatal if you slip. Go through the out for the lava! Turn right and move forward. In the far corner on your right you'll find another diamond (50, Treasure Count: 395). Then turn right around and move forward, bypassing the doorway you used. Once you are past the lava, hug the wall on your right, until you can look into another area of the city. Move back a bit so you have to lean to look.

The Lost City, Burrick Areas

SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a wandering Burrick in there. Wait here for him to come into sight. Watch him, and when he disappears to the left, quickly move forward. You'll climb up a small incline. Move over to the left as far as you can on that incline, and stop. You should be completely hidden in the shadows now. Wait for the Burrick to come back (he went down a short dead-end), and when he does, kill him with a downswing.

Once the Burrick is dead, from the incline move forward past the turn it had taken. Now turn to face the wall on your left. You want to mantle up, but you have to move over near the right side before you can. Once you've mantled up, turn right and look up. There's the tip of a Fire Arrow peeking over the edge. Grab it if you want it. Then turn left, and move forward to the window you see ahead. Look inside the next room on the ground, and you'll find a golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 420). Turn right around, and move forward, falling down to the ground again. Turn left, move forward, then turn right. Move forward until you are at the entrance you see ahead into the building on your right. (Not the rubble-strewn entrance...the one past that.) Turn right and use the entrance.

Climb the stairs here, then turn right. Move forward, turn right again, move forward, and turn left. In the next room, you should see a gold plate on the ground. Move in and grab it (50, Treasure Count: 470). Then turn around, move forward, turn right in the next room, move forward, turn left, move forward, turn left again, and move down the stairs and exit the building.

[NOTE:  If you want some more Fire Arrows, instead of turning right at the next part, turn left. Move forward, and turn right when you see an incline moving down in that direction. At the bottom of the incline, continue forward, moving past the large building. When you emerge in an open area with a lava lake, turn left. You are going to want to climb that steep incline. Move over to the base of it, and turn so the lava is to your back. Move forward, all the way up, and angle yourself slightly so you move towards the right. You should then fall onto the landing above. Turn right until you see a doorway, and go through it. Inside this room, take the stairs down, and across that small pool of lava you'll find three Fire Arrows. Turn around and climb the stairs again, then leave this room through the only other exit. Turn left, and fall off the wall and down the incline (keep moving forward as you fall.) When you stop falling, turn right. Move forward, past the large building, up the incline, then turn right. Move forward.]

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part you're going to be tricky. The next section has three Burricks in is a patroller, the other two are stationary.

Turn right, move forward, then turn right again. Move forward into the next section of the city. Up ahead, you will be able to see a corner where the street bends. Move close to that, but not too close. A Burrick will be coming by, and turning around. You want to be close enough to see it do so, but not so close that it sees you. When it does turn around, move in behind and kill him. [Note: Sometimes, the patroller is not here...he has been killed earlier by the nearby Fire Elementals. If, after waiting a while, there are no signs of the patrolling Burrick, assume he's dead, and continue on with the rest of the mission.]

You've just alerted the other two Burricks in the area, and they will be coming to investigate. If you've moved past the corner, turn around and go back to it. Turn left, and move forward. On your right, you should see a wall that looks climbable. It is. Turn right, and mantle up. Then turn right around, and jump across to the next building (you'll have to jump and then mantle up). Ahead of you, you should see a series of rooftops, with one raised one at the end. Head for it. When you reach it, mantle up to it. Turn left, and jump across to the next building. Move forward, but instead of jumping this time, fall between the buildings.

When you land, turn right, move forward into the tunnel, then turn right again. Move forward down this long tunnel, until it opens into a small chamber. At the far end there's an opening to your left. Take that opening. Ahead of you, you'll see an opening into another lava area. Move forward. The opening is actually a broken wall. Move towards it, but stay in the shadows.

The Lost City, Elemental Areas

SAVE YOUR GAME! Beyond this opening are as many as three Fire Elementals on patrol. (They are not all always there...I am not sure why.) You may have already seen them on your approach. Stay in the shadows, and when you get the chance, kill each one with a Water Arrow.

[NOTE:  I described my missing Fire Elemental problem to a friend. She told me the same thing happened to her, and then the bloody thing snuck up on her and fried her when she wasn't expecting it! So if you're missing an Elemental from this point, keep an eye out for it!]

Once they are gone, move through the crack in the wall ahead, and stop. Turn right. You want to mantle over that wall in front of you, but you have to run and jump in order to do it.

When you're standing on the wall, jump forward off it onto the rubble across the lava. Climb the rubble to the slope above.

There are three buildings on this slope that you can visit. The one you are closest two has 11 Moss Arrows sitting just outside the entranceway on the right (10 are clumped together in one, the last one is separate). Inside it is a case of 10 Broadhead Arrows. The second building contains a necklace (150, Treasure Count: 620). The third has a single Fire Arrow sitting in the doorway. Grab whatever you want from here.

At the far end of this slope (the highest point), there is another building off to the side. Move up the slope to that point, and turn left and move onto the building's roof.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Unfortunately, you cannot return the way you came, so you have to try getting back by this precarious path. You need to jump from here onto the wall ahead, then jump off of the wall onto the ground on the other side. I suggest you aim yourself at the pointed adornment on the wall which is closest to the iron gate. My best successes here have always been aiming there, then running and jumping, and as soon as I hit the wall, jumping again. You should land on the other side, across the lava pool on a small outcropping of rock.

Once you've landed, turn so your back is to the iron gate. You should be able to see a tunnel leading away. (If you just see a blank wall, shuffle over to the left a bit.) Take this tunnel into another open area. Move into the area, and move past the obelisk in the centre. There is a house with an entrance here. Move past it, then turn right. You will see a hole in the wall ahead. Move through it, then turn right and move down the incline. Stop before you cross through the opening at the bottom.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next area can be dangerous. There's a huge pool of lava nearby, with three Fire Elementals floating around looking for trouble. You're going to take care of them now, but you won't reap any benefit from it until much later in the game.

Move through the opening ahead, then turn left. Inch forward, but be careful...the lip here is inclined, and may drop you into the lava.

The three Elementals in here come from different directions. If you are facing out across the lava, then one will come towards you from between the two buildings you see there. The other two will be coming from your right. Those two are best taken care of by leaning out from here and shooting them down with your Water Arrows. The solitary Elemental never really seems to come close enough to get a really good shot, so you'll have to aim carefully to get it.

When you've extinguished the three, turn around, move forward, turn right, and climb the incline again. Turn left, and move through the hole in the wall again. Ahead of you, your path is split by a rock column. Turn down the right path. Continue ahead, keeping to the wall on your right, until ahead of you you see an opening through the wall that does not lead into lava. From here, you should be able to make out another obelisk. Head for the obelisk, trying to keep it between you and the room beyond it. Stop when you've reached it.

SAVE YOUR GAME! The room beyond contains two Fire Elementals that you'll need to deal with. Lean to the right, and when the coast is clear, sidestep right, then move forward towards the opening into the next area. However, do NOT move through the opening! Instead, move to the wall on the right of the opening. From here, position yourself so you can lean out and shoot Water Arrows at the Elementals.

When the two of them are gone, move into the area they were patrolling. See those round, blue objects decorating the walls? They are gems. You'll want to grab them all. Also note that, directly across from you is a doorway that's blocked by rubble. On the floor in that doorway is another gem. Work your way around the room collecting them all (there are a total of 22 on the wall, and the one on the floor) (15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, Treasure Count: 635, 650, 665, 680, 695, 710, 725, 740, 755, 770, 785, 800, 815, 830, 845, 860, 875, 890, 905, 920, 935, 950, 965). You should be back at this entrance when you are finished. When you reach that point, turn so your back is to it (the entrance).

If you want a few extra Fire Arrows, then turn left, and move through the exit you can see in the wall ahead. (You should not be able to see both, but if you can, then you want the leftmost.) In the next room turn left, move forward, then turn right. Enter the next room, then immediately turn left. There's a hole here that you need to crouch to get through. Do so. Follow the tunnel and at the end, you'll find two more Fire Arrows. Grab them, then follow the tunnel back. When you are standing up again, turn right, move into the next room, then turn left, move forward, and take the first right. You will exit back into the room with all those gems. Go back over to your original entrance to this room.

If you don't want the extra Fire Arrows, then turn right (those of you who got them will already be facing this way). Move through the exit in the wall ahead. (You shouldn't be able to see both of them, but if you can, you want the rightmost opening.) In the next room, move forward towards the dais directly ahead. Sitting on it you will find two masks (120, 120, Treasure Count: 1085, 1205). Once you've got them, turn right around. The entrance you used is built into a step-type wall. Turn slightly to the right, and climb this wall (no mantling is needed, just move forward). At the top allow yourself to fall slightly onto the walkway, then turn right. Move forward through the opening ahead, then turn right again. Move forward, and when you come to a break in the wall on your left, move through it.

In this new area, turn left, and follow this tunnel all the way up. At the top, turn left, and mantle up onto the paved area. Follow this new tunnel. When you come to a room with a large square hole in the floor, just ignore it. It leads back to the gem room. Just continue following the tunnel (it continues across the room from you). It will eventually drop you into a circular room with a normal dirt/ash floor again. Find the exit, and follow the tunnel. You will emerge into a larger area, with another obelisk and some stone buildings. Keep moving past these buildings, moving all the way to the end of this part. There will be a break between the last two buildings that you can turn down. Instead of doing that though, move past the break, then turn to face the last building. Move up to it, and mantle up to the top.

SAVE YOUR GAME! You've got some jumping to do here, failure to do so properly meaning you may become a crispy critter. Jump over to the next building, and then the next. Turn left. Jump to the next building, and again to the next. Turn right, and jump to the next building, and then to the next. Turn right again. Jump across to the next building, then the next, then the next.

The Underground Tomb

SAVE YOUR GAME! You are about to encounter your first Mage, and he can be rather difficult. You should be able to see him from this building by now. The next building you want to get to has a lower elevation than the one you're standing on now, so you can just walk off this one and fall onto the next one (keep walking though...if you just fall off and stop, you may fall into the lava instead!). From this point on, you can just run off onto the next buildings, as long as you don't stop!

Move over to the next building. Wait until the Mage ahead has his back to you, then run across to the last building. Then walk off of it onto the ground again. Move ahead to that small pile of don't even need to crouch here, just stand by the rubble and you'll be hidden. When the Mage walks by again, then blackjack him. (Or, if you prefer, backstab him.)

Once he's taken care of, there are a few items of interest scattered about. The skeleton lying there has a purse still attached to it (70, Treasure Count: 1275). Also, if you look at the neck of the skeleton (where the skull SHOULD be), you'll find the first of the two Keeper Medallions. There is also a Fire Arrow and a Rope Arrow near the campfire. Finally, if you want some interesting reading, there's a Keeper's Journal and a scroll on the ground.

When you've finished robbing the dead, turn to face the lava. There's a fallen pillar within. If you look to the left, you'll see that there is something of an inclined ledge running around the pit.

SAVE YOUR GAME! It is quite easy to misstep and fall into the lava here. Move over to the ledge, and walk onto it. Circle around to the other side of the pillar. There you will find a Gas Arrow, and a silver nugget (50, Treasure Count: 1325). Then turn and make your way back to the start of the ledge, and get back onto safer ground.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can be tricky. Turn right. In the next chamber there is a Fire Mage and an Air Mage talking to each other, at the far end of the chamber. If you don't do anything to draw attention to yourself, you can keep them ignorant of your presence.

Move forward. When you pass that first wall, turn left, and move down the stairs. Then turn right. There are two burning braziers here. The one on your right has a Fire Arrow in it. (You can get it without extinguishing the fire.)

Whether or not you retrieve the Fire Arrow, you will need to proceed down the stairs here. When you are far enough down that you can see the burning torch on the wall, take it out with a Water Arrow. Then crouch, hug one of the walls, and move forward cautiously.

There is a Mage down here who will be approaching sometime soon. When he does, wait for him to pass you, then turn and take care of him as you see fit.

When he's taken care of, turn back and continue down. When you reach the lava pit, stop.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This part can kill you. You have to cross that lava pit. Look up, and you'll see three wooden beams spaced apart across the pit. You will need Rope Arrows to cross many depends on you. If you only have one, shoot at the centre beam. If you have two, shoot them into the closest and the farthest beams. If you have three or more, shoot one into each beam. Then play Tarzan, swinging from rope to rope, until you reach the other side. Be sure you are not too high up the rope when you jump, otherwise you may find your progress stopped by a beam, and you will fall to a fiery death. (Note: Do NOT try to retrieve your Arrows as you leap from will need them here again when you return.)

Once you are safely across, move into the next room, then turn left and move into the corner. Then turn right, and move forward slowly. There is a hole in the ground in the far corner, with a ladder going down. Make your way down.

Once down, turn so you are facing the only other direction you can go. There are some torches lighting this hallway. You can get away with leaving them burning, but you may want to take out the furthest one, just in case.

Proceed down the hall. When you reach the second torch, stop.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a killer trap here. (At least, I think it's a killer. I only had four hit points at this point, so it does at LEAST that much damage.) In order to proceed through the next area, you will need to crouch. Move forward into the next room (where you can see a body on the ground). A loud clanging noise will let you know the trap has been sprung. Stay crouched though...standing up while the "slapper" is still down will kill you as well.

Underneath the body in this room you'll find two Water Arrows. Also, in the far right corner you will find a third.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There are four Mages in the next area...two Fire, two Air. First, move into the doorway, but don't enter the room. Stay here in the shadows. Ahead of you, you'll see a Mage walking back and forth. Fortunately, he's a Fire Mage, so you can use one your Gas Arrows on him. Note that you could use Broadheads here, but you will alert the other Mages of your presence, and you'll have to deal with them all at once. (If you have no more Gas Arrows, read the note below.)

When he's out, move into the room, turn left, and move forward. Turn right, move forward, and ignore that first exit. The second one is the one you want. However, it contains an Air Mage.

SAVE YOUR GAME! You don't want to get caught here. Move into the shadows in the doorway.

[NOTE:  If you don't have any Gas Arrows left, then you'll have to take out the two torches in this room. While standing in the doorway, first turn left, lean out right, and extinguish the torch. Then turn right again, and enter the room. Stop just inside, turn right, and move forward. Turn left, and extinguish the other torch you see. Then move forward until you are close to the other side, but do not go past the last pillar...keep it in your sight. When the Mage walks by, wait for him to turn and resume his patrol. Then walk behind him and club him. Then move across the room to the other side, hide in the shadows at the entrance. ]

Now, watch this Mage's patrol. When he moves by going from the right to the left, passing just in front of the door, move into the room, and club him.

Inside this room is a stand with a strange object on it. Pick it up, and you'll discover it is a lever. Now turn around, and leave this room.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Once again, you're taking on Mages. The last two are together. From this point, you can see there is another, sunken area to this room. You can also see, across from you in that area, another doorway. From here, move down into the sunken area, and go into the doorway. The two Mages are in here, nice and close together. Throw a Flash Bomb at them. While they are disoriented, knock them out with your Blackjack.

Once these Mages are taken care of, there's nothing else to do but collect your loot. In this room you'll find a tall urn (20, Treasure Count: 1345), a small urn (20, Treasure Count: 1365), and a rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count: 1515). Now turn around and leave the way you came in.

Back in the sunken room, ignore the sarcophagus. Instead, move across the room to the deep alcove, where you'll find a statuette (100, Treasure Count: 1615). (Note that this room has two burning braziers, each with a Fire Arrow in it.)

That's it for down here. Turn away from the alcove, and move over to the stairs leading up. Face them, and move forward. Go through the exit at the far end (be sure you either crouch or RUN through...if you walk through, the "slammer" will hit you). Keep moving forward, all the way to the ladder leading up. Climb the ladder (you'll have to jump onto it), and keep moving forward until you hit a wall. Turn left, move forward, and turn right when you get the chance.

SAVE YOUR GAME! No sense in taking unnecessary risks. Tarzan your way across the lava pit again. Once you're across, move forward all the way, and when you exit the tunnel, take the left stairway up. (Remember, there are still two Mages in this area! Tread softly!)

At the top of the stairs, turn right, and move forward through the opening ahead, leaving behind the Mage's area.

SAVE YOUR GAME! It's time to go building hopping again. Move across this area towards the buildings that you came in on. There is one low enough for you to run onto it. Then jump across to the next, then the next. Then leap up and mantle your way to the top of the next one. From here, jump across to the next building, then the next, then the next. Turn left, and jump across to the next building. Then the next. Now you can simply walk off the edge of this building and land on solid ground again.

Tunnels and Caverns, Part One

Once you've landed, turn left and move forward until you no longer can, then turn right. Move to the end of the row of houses, and turn left. Move ahead until you pass the obelisk, and turn right. Continue following the cavern, and you will soon reach a tunnel (at the end of the cavern, to your left). Enter it, and follow it as far as you can. When you reach the circular cavern, turn left, and run up into the next tunnel (you don't need to mantle here). Follow it as far as you can (remember, ignore that hole in the floor...just keep going past it). When you come to an area where you have to drop down, do so. Then turn right, and move forward. At the bottom of the incline, turn right and move through the hole in the wall. Turn right, and move forward. Take the first left you come to. When you do, just go a little forward, then stop. Turn left, and jump ahead over the railing. Work your way down to the bottom, and turn right. Move forward, and take the right turn when you can. Move forward into the next chamber.

From here, you should see an exit on the wall to your left. Move through it. Move around the obelisk in the next room, and continue through it and through the exit across from the one you used. Ahead you will see a man-made wall. Do not go through the opening. Instead, turn left, and move forward up the incline ahead. Turn left, and continue up the incline until you reach a tunnel. Follow the tunnel until it opens onto another chamber with lava in it. Turn left, and move forward, following this next tunnel. It will open into another area, this time with a house directly across from you. Ignore it, and turn left.

[NOTE:  There is a second house in this area, right next to the one in front of you. If you go into this second house, you will find three more Fire Arrows.]

Move forward into the next area. Ignore the buildings, and keep following the path. (Note: One of these buildings has an accessible roof, upon which you will find two Water Arrows.)

Soon you will come to a cavern with a deep lava pit. Across this pit is a very narrow stone bridge (natural, not man-made). You can cross one of two ways. The bridge, or turn left and work your way around to the other side on a small ledge. While the bridge is safe, and probably faster and safer, the ledge contains four more Water Arrows.

However you choose to cross, do so. Move through the exit and continue along the path. It will enter a cavern where you have to move around a lava pit, then jump across it onto a "stepping stone" of sorts. Do so, then turn right, move forward, and turn left. Move through the opening in front of you, then turn left. Move forward, up the dark staircase. At the top, turn right. Move forward, ignoring any turns until you can no longer do so, then turn right.

The Arena, Part One

[NOTE:  You should at this point have one Gas Arrow left. You will be getting another one. For the purpose of this walkthrough I am saving them for a later point, to deal with two Burricks, if necessary. I have discovered, however, that it may not be necessary to save them...the Burricks later don't appear to be a problem. If anyone can shed more light on this (whether the Burricks never are a problem or if I had a flukey game setup this time) please do so. In any event, I will point out two instances nearby where using a Gas Arrow would be beneficial, should you not want to save them. One of them is here.]

SAVE YOUR GAME! That was a long trip, and I'm sure you don't want to repeat it any more than I do!

If you choose to use your Gas Arrow now, this is what you should do. From this point, you should have a lava pit on your right, with a sort of protrusion that looks man-made. Across from this protrusion is a doorway, with a slit underneath it. Aim your Gas Arrow at the doorway. If you do it properly, the Mage standing guard there will be knocked out.

Move forward. Soon you will find a doorway ahead of you. Move through it, and turn right. Move through the next doorway, and turn left. Move forward and take the first left. Move into the next room and turn left. Go over to the farthest window slit, and resting there you will find a tiara (100, Treasure Count: 1715). Turn around and move forward, passing the exit on your right. In the next room, directly ahead of you on the floor, you'll find a large urn (20, Treasure Count: 1735), a small urn (20, Treasure Count: 1755), and a pointed urn (20, Treasure Count: 1775). Now turn right and move forward, then turn left and move forward. Move through the doorway across from yours. Inside this room, immediately turn to your right and pick up another large urn (20, Treasure Count: 1795) and two more small urns (20, 20, Treasure Count: 1815, 1835). Turn left again, and move to the end of the room. Turn right, crouch, and move through the small hole in the floor. Turn right, and move into the small room. Go down the ladder through the hole in the floor. In this hidden chamber, pick up three more pointed urns (20, 20, 20, Treasure Count: 1855, 1875, 1895), and a rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count: 2045). Open the chest to get a small ring (50, Treasure Count: 2095). Climb back up the ladder to leave this room.

Once out, crouch and move through the hole in the wall. Turn left, and move into the next room. Stand up again. Turn left, and move out into the hallway. Turn left, and move forward. Go past the burning brazier ahead on your left, and then move into the next room on your right. Inside, grab another large urn (20, Treasure Count: 2115), two more small urns (20, 20, Treasure Count: 2135, 2155), and another rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count: 2305).

Leave the room the way you came in, and turn left. Move all the way down this hallway. When you enter a room that lights up, turn right and move forward and down the stairs. When the stairs turn, turn to face the direction they continue in, but don't go down them.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This part needs to be handled carefully. There are two Mages down Fire, and one Air. Also, there is an Earth Mage up top (unless you Gassed him earlier) that can be alerted by your activities down here. Any killing down here will alert him to your presence, as will using a Flash Bomb.

Unfortunately, this part cannot always be predicted accurately. The Air Mage patrols, but does not always keep the same patrol. Sometimes he comes into the room you are currently looking down into, and sometimes he doesn't. Therefore, there are two methods of taking him out.

First, seed the floor below with Moss Arrows. Then, if the Air Mage comes through, you can run up behind him and knock him out without alerting anyone. Don't be worried if you have to come into view of the other Mage. He's standing behind a burning brazier and can't see you through the smoke. (Note: Although rare, he does sometimes see you, somehow. You may want to take him out with a Gas Arrow. See below on how to get another.)

If the Air Mage doesn't come in, then you'll have to take him out at another point.

Whether he comes or not, move into the room below. Move over to the other exit, and peek around the corner. If the Air Mage is not there, then move into the hall so the light in this room goes out. Once it does, shoot a Water Arrow at the burning brazier. Then move into that room, using all the stealth at your command, and knock out the Fire Mage. If the Air Mage was being stubborn, he'll eventually come into this room briefly as well. When he does, knock him out as well.

This is some sort of machinery room. With the lights out now, you should be able to see, somewhere behind where the Fire Mage was standing, a slot of some sort. Find the lever you are carrying, and use it on the slot. It fits! Now, operate the lever, and the machinery will start working. (Oddly though, there's no sound.)

[NOTE:  If you are feeling particularly adventurous, it is entirely possible to operate the machinery without taking either Mage down.]

Turn around, and move forward down the hall. Before entering the room you seeded with moss, turn left and crouch. Move forward and you'll pass through a small hole in the wall. Turn left, and go examine the remains of some poor fellow. Here you will find a Healing Potion, a Gas Arrow, and a Fire Arrow.

(Note: This is the last Gas Arrow. If you wish to use it now instead of saving it for later, you can use it on the Fire Mage. It will knock him out AND put out the Brazier. Of course, you'll need to sneak into this hole first to do it.)

Leave this room the way you came in. Back in the hall, turn left and move into the next room. Then turn right and exit the room, climbing the staircase all the way to the top. At the top, turn right, and move forward, climbing those stairs ahead. Then turn right and move forward.

SAVE YOUR GAME! One last Mage to deal with (unless you Gassed him earlier). Move ahead down those stairs near you, turn left and move forward, turning left again as soon as possible.

See that Mage at the end of the hall? Sneak up behind him and deal with him. Then cross the bridge, jumping over the lip ahead. Move to the end of this raised area. Climb over the rubble to the right, turning slightly to the right as you do so. Walk along this small section. When you have to turn, turn left, and move forward along another thin section. At the end, move up onto the more stable brickwork.

Tunnels and Caverns, Part Two

Turn right, and move forward until you're past the lavaflow on your right. Then drop down to the floor and continue forward until you have to turn, then turn right and move down the stairs ahead. At the bottom turn left.

Move forward, and drop down onto a small ledge below. Then turn left and move forward, mantling up when you reach the end. Move forward, turn right, move forward again, and take the first right you come to. Follow these stairs all the way down. At the bottom, turn right and move forward into the cavern ahead, then turn left.

Ahead you should see another skeleton. Move towards it, but stop before the broken wall before you. At the base of it is a Water Arrow. If you turn right and move into the shadows, in a dark corner you'll find four more. Now go over to the skeleton. Scattered about it you will find the second Keeper Medallion, some more interesting reading, and three Rope Arrows. These last are over by the natural rock wall. (If you are out of Rope Arrows, grab these. You'll need at least one, possibly two.)

Once you're finished desecrating this man's final resting place, move past the skeleton and into the next chamber. Turn right and move forward to the end, where you will turn left. Follow this incline down and enter another cavern.

Move into this cavern. There are three buildings here, plus a rather large statue. Face the statue. You want the building on your right, furthest from the statue. Move into it, and look up through a hole in the ceiling. Shoot a Rope Arrow into the rafter above (try to aim more towards the entrance to this domicile, so the rope doesn't get in your way when you're jumping later).

Climb up the rope, and jump off onto the next level. (Leave the Rope Arrow here for now, if you can. You'll need it again later.) Now look around until you find another hole, this time in one of the walls. Run and jump through the hole. You should now be standing on the roof of the other house on this side of the cavern.

Keeping your back to the hole you just leaped through, and move forward. Look down at the rock and rubble below, and the lava. You need to fall off here. Aim for the rubble. When you land, follow this shelf all the way up to the next building. Mantle up through the window, and jump across to what remains of the floor on this level. When you land, mantle up through the window on this side as well. (If you are feeling bold, you can actually try leaping from here to the window across from you.) Move forward across this open stretch, and fall down into the next room. (If your fall is stopped partway down, just move forward to continue falling.)

Obtaining the Talisman

Move through the exit from this room. Across from you is a large building, with an entrance on this side. (If you are wondering, this is the area where you destroyed three Fire Elementals earlier.) Go forward through the entrance. Once inside, there will be a staircase ahead on your right. Take it up. At the top, turn left, move forward, turn left again, and climb these stairs all the way to the top. Ahead of you is another staircase, but unfortunately, it's partially destroyed. Move towards it, but partway there stop and turn right. You should be facing a window.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part is treacherous. Jump into the window, then cautiously step out onto the ledge. Turn left, and follow the ledge. Go past the first two corners, and when you reach the third corner, move out onto it, then turn to face left, and look up. You will see a window, and above it are the protruding ends of three rafters. Shoot a Rope Arrow into the centre one. Then move along the ledge to the rope, and jump onto it. Climb the rope up, and jump in through the window.

Inside, turn left and move forward. Turn right, and move forward, turning right into the next room. Ahead is the object of your quest: The Talisman of Fire. Run up to it and grab it.

Turn around, and leave the room. Turn right, move forward, turn right again, and move forward, allowing yourself to fall down to the next level. Then turn right and move forward, towards the chest in the far corner. Beside the chest on the floor is another golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 2330). Turn left, and pick up another rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count: 2480). Now move across the room towards the window, turning right when you reach it. Follow these stairs all the way down. At the bottom, turn right, move forward, and turn right, so you are facing down the last stairway.

Leaving the Tower of Fire

SAVE YOUR GAME! Although you don't know it yet, when you grabbed the Talisman of Fire, it conjured up a few more Fire Elementals to make your departure that much more enjoyable. Move down these stairs, all the way to the bottom, and move towards the exit. Stay to one side, and lean out to watch for them.

There are two Fire Elementals now patrolling this area. It is possible to sneak past them, but probably safer to wait and snuff them out.

When the coast is clear, move out of the tower, and go across to the opening in the building ahead. Once inside, turn left, and mantle up. Then turn right, and push forward until you climb a bit. Look up, make sure you're under the window above, and mantle up again.

Once you're up, turn right and look around. Sometimes there's another Fire Elemental waiting for you in this area. If so, take him out from here. If not, thank The Builder and drop down to the area below.

Now, those two houses across from where you fell from. You need to get into the leftmost one (as you face them). Move over to the doorway, position yourself properly, and jump over the lave and inside. Inside, in the corner opposite the doorway, are two silver nuggets (50, 50, Treasure Count: 2530, 2580). Once you've gotten them, leave the building. (The lava can be tricky to avoid, but it is possible.) One you are out, go into the other building.

If your Rope Arrow is not still here, shoot another one up. Climb up to the next level, and jump off. Then turn to face the hole in the wall, and leap across and through it. Now turn around so you are facing the hole. You need to get up to the roof of that building. Sidestep right until you have a good piece of wall in front of you (watch you don't fall back down!), and mantle up. Up here you will find two Fire Arrows and a diamond (50, Treasure Count: 2630). Once you have them, turn so your back is to the wall you mantled up, and walk off the edge.

When you land, move forward up the incline ahead. Follow it all the way to the top, then turn right. Move all the way through this passage, and turn left through the opening ahead. Follow this cavern, turning right through the exit ahead. Move forward onto the stairs, turn left, and climb these stairs all the way up. At the top, turn left and move forward to the wall. Then turn left again, and move forward, allowing yourself to fall onto the ledge below. Move over so you are beneath the window, and mantle up.

Move forward, turn right, and climb the stairs to the top. Then turn left, and move forward until you reach the lavaflow, then turn right and climb onto the broken wall. Turn left, and move forward a short way, until you have an opening in the cavern wall on your left.

Turn to face the opening, and jump across into it. Follow the tunnel to the end. When you emerge into the new cavern, keep moving forward, climbing the slope up as high as you can (keeping the manmade building on your right). At the top, turn to face the building, and mantle up. There's a hole in the roof here. Drop down through it.

The Arena, Part Two

SAVE YOUR GAME! You will need to pass through an area here where an elemental can see you. Find the nearest exit from this room and take it. Then turn left, and move forward until you enter another room. You should be able to look out some windows and see the patrolling Elemental outside. Turn right (crouching may help to avoid detection here) and move forward. Slightly past the first brazier you will find a third mask on the ground (120, Treasure Count: 2750). Continue forwards through this room. When you get to the other end, turn right and move forward into the corridor.

Once in the corridor, continue forward, and take the first left. Move down this hall until you have to turn. Turn left, and move forward into the next room. In here you will find another large urn (20, Treasure Count: 2770), another small urn (20, Treasure Count: 2790), and one more rolled up tapestry (150, Treasure Count: 2940). Leave this room the way you came in. Move forward all the way down the hall, then turn right into the next room. Here you can get yet another large urn (20, Treasure Count: 2960), yet another small urn (20, Treasure Count: 2980), and a tiara (125, Treasure Count: 3105). (The tiara is a little difficult to spot. It is by the door.)

Leave this room, and turn left. Move forward and take the first left. Keep pushing forward until you are in a room with a large hole in the floor with a wooden beam across it. Jump into the hole down to the next level.

You should now be in the room where you went across the bridge guarded by a Mage. Turn so your back is to the bridge, and move forward. Turn right when you can, move forward, turn right again, and climb the stairs in front of you. Then move forward again, through a doorway and down a set of stairs.

Turn left, and move forward. Keep moving forward until the burning brazier is on your left. Then turn right, and move forward all the way to the end. Turn right, move into the next room. Then turn left, and exit the room. Move forward to the end, and turn left. Climb these stairs to the top, and then continue forward as far as you can. Then turn left, and move down the stairs. Stop before you get to the opening on your right.

Escaping the Lost City

SAVE YOUR GAME! There's another Fire Elemental patrolling out there. Move over to the door, then turn so you can lean out. When it comes by, extinguish it.

Once the Elemental is dealt with, move through the opening. Turn right and move forward until you are in front of those stepping stones again. Turn left, and run and jump across the stones to the other side. Follow this path until you come back to the natural bridge across the lava pit.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Once you cross this bridge, the next chamber holds another Fire Elemental! Move across the bridge, and deal with the Elemental as soon as you can. Once he's gone, move through this room, following the path until you have to turn. Then turn right, move forward, then turn left, and move forward until you're about the exit this dark tunnel for a brighter one.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Yet another Elemental is waiting for you here. Use the "lean and shoot" method described thus far to deal with him, and then continue forward, turning right when you can. Move forward, turn left, and follow this tunnel until you emerge to an area where it slopes steeply and you can see man-made structures again (most notably, a wall). Move down the slope so you fall on this side of the wall, and move towards it.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Another Elemental is roaming through the areas you're about to traverse. When you find it, destroy it. Move to the opening in the wall, and go through it. Move forward, passing the rock wall on your left. Keep moving forward, turning now so the next rock wall passes on your right. You should now be facing one of those obelisks. Move past it, then turn left. You should see a tunnel ahead. Move forward through it, and you'll emerge near the iron gate you found so long ago. Turn right, and move forward through the hole in the wall. Keep moving forward, and follow this tunnel until it emerges back into the part of the city with lots of buildings.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Okay, you have one more treasure to get, and it's in the building across from you. We left it until now because sometimes, the last two Burricks will draw the attention of the two (now three) Fire Elementals in the next chamber, and duel it out. Usually, the Burricks lose. If, however, they are still here...well, this is what we save the Gas Arrows for. HOWEVER...usually when you jump down to the street, you do NOT attract their attention. Let's hope it stays that way.

Ready your Gas Arrows, and jump down onto the street. If you hear Burricks coming, turn right, draw back, and wait. When they come into view, let your arrow fly. There are as many as two Burricks left, so get your second arrow ready if you only fell the first one.

When you are able to, move into the building across the street, and pick up the tiara (100, Treasure Count: 3205).

[NOTE:  If you did NOT save your Gas Arrows, and the Burricks seem to be noticing you, you can try this. Instead of jumping down to the street, turn left, and mantle up. Then turn right, run, and jump across to the roof of the building across the street. The noise should attract the Burricks' attention. Turn right and jump to the next building, then move into that little corner and hide. Soon, the Burricks should draw the Fire Elementals' attention, and a battle will ensue. When the battle does start, it should be safe for you to climb down and grab the treasure. If you would rather wait for the end of the battle, it is possible the Burricks will win and come back. Or the Fire Elementals will win and come here. (I have seen them roam these streets on occasion.) Note that this does not ALWAYS cause an Elemental/Burrick battle. If it doesn't, simply reload and try again. It should eventually work. Once you've got the treasure, whether you wait or not, continue with the walkthrough.]

Now exit this building the only way you can, and turn right. Follow the street until you have to turn right again, and do so. Continue down the street until you have to turn left, and do so. Move forward and take the first left. Keep moving forward, and when you have to turn, turn right.

SAVE YOUR GAME! One last Fire Elemental to deal with. Move forward, keeping to the right. When you reach the natural rock wall, lean out so you can see the lava pool. When the Elemental comes into view, use your Water Arrow on him.

Once he's gone, move into the chamber, and stick close to the left wall. Follow it around until you see a doorway to the right, then move over to it and go through it. Inside, move forward through the archway. Now take the turn of your choice, and follow it around to another exit. Move through that exit, and move forward down the ramp in the next room until you have to turn. Turn left, and move into the next room. Turn left again, and move into the next room. There will be a staircase in this room. Take it up. At the top, turn right, and take that staircase all the way up to the top.

At the top, turn left, and move forward until you have to turn, then turn right. Move forward until you enter a rubble-strewn room. Look around at the ceiling, and you'll find a hole in it. Work your way around the rubble until you are under it. Mantle up onto the roof.

Turn and move around the hole you just climbed through. Turn so you are facing across the roof towards a railing of sorts. Move forward, and turn right when you can. Move forward, and when you see a passage ahead and to the right, move into it. Follow this twisting, winding passage as far as you can, until it emerges into a lava area. Turn right, and ahead you will see two jets of sparks shooting towards each other across your intended path. Wait for the sparks to calm down a bit, then push forward past them. Once past, continue following the path. When you have a chance to turn right, do so, and continue forward until you are standing on an outcropping overlooking an underground lake, with a waterfall across from you. Congratulations! You've acquired the Talisman of Fire, and plundered the Lost City!