The Haunted Cathedral (Mission 7)

My best time on Expert:  36 minutes, 10 seconds
Maximum Possible Treasure:  2635


"Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum."
  — Collected letters of the smith-in-exile

The Eye that Constantine wants is in the abandoned cathedral of the Hammerites. The cathedral is located in the section of the city that was deserted years ago, after some kind of catastrophe. I've heard stories of the incident...most are wild rumours about hordes of zombies and raging fires. Now that part of the city is walled one's allowed to go in. Not that many people would dare to in the first place.

Maps of the area are easy to attics, and old trunks...but, like all of them, the one I've got is over fifty years old. I'll make my way through the ruins to the Hammerite cathedral, and find a way inside. Once I get inside the cathedral, I'll have to locate The Eye.

Something tells me that this is not going to be easy. But for the amount I'm getting paid...I'm willing to take some serious risks....

Objectives:  Normal

  1. Find the Cathedral.
  2. Find a way to get inside the Cathedral, and steal the Eye.
  3. Take the opportunity to steal other valuables.
  4. Exit the ruins.

Objectives:  Hard

  1. Find the Cathedral.
  2. Find a way to get inside the Cathedral, and steal the Eye.
  3. Take the opportunity to steal other valuables.
  4. A valuable item called the Serpentyle Torc is reputed to be somewhere in these ruins. Find it.
  5. Exit the ruins.

Objectives:  Expert

  1. Find the Cathedral.
  2. Find a way to get inside the Cathedral, and steal the Eye.
  3. Take the opportunity to steal other valuables.
  4. A valuable item called the Serpentyle Torc is reputed to be somewhere in these ruins. Find it.
  5. There used to be a monument in this part of town called the Watchman's Grave that thieves would leave coins on for good luck. You have brought some coins, just in case.
  6. Exit the ruins.

Simplified Objectives

  1. Find the Cathedral.
  2. Find a way to get inside the Cathedral, and steal the Eye.
  3. Grab 2000 in loot.
  4. Locate and steal the Serpentyle Torc.
  5. Leave some coins on the Watchman's Grave for good luck.
  6. Exit the ruins.

Before The Mission

What You'll Encounter:  Zombies, Burricks, Hammer Haunts, Hammer Spirits, Craymen, Spiders, Flaming Spirit.

Starting Funds:  Whatever you managed to acquire from Constantine's. (Maximum: 2656 or 2636...see the note at the start of Section 11 for the explanation.)

Starting Gear:

  • 1 Constantine's Sword
  • 50 Broadhead Arrows
  • 5 Water Arrows
  • 4 Fire Arrows
  • 5 Rope Arrows
  • 5 Noisemaker Arrows
  • 3 Flash Bombs
  • 2 Holy Waters
  • 1 Set of Lock Picks
  • 1 Pair of Coins

Items for Sale:

  • 6 Water Arrows (Cost: 50 each)
  • 4 Fire Arrows (Cost: 300 each)
  • 5 Moss Arrows (Cost: 125 each)
  • 5 Rope Arrows (Cost: 200 each)
  • 5 Noisemaker Arrows (Cost: 250 each)
  • 6 Flash Bombs (Cost: 200 each)
  • 8 Explosive Mines (Cost: 350 each)
  • 2 Healing Potions (Cost: 250 each)
  • 2 Holy Waters (Cost: 200 each)
  • 1 Tip (Cost: 200)

NOTE:  Once again, your Blackjack is not shown under the "Starting Gear" for this mission. However, you DO have it in your possession.

Save your money...don't buy the tip. Here is what it says:

"Those who fight undead fall into two groups — the resourceful, and the slain. The well-prepared knight will arm himself well with holy water. However, a more convenient tactic, as well as one much less taxing on the purse, is to take advantage of the zombie's antipathy for all living creatures, and look for other convenient targets to divert a pursuer.
  — excerpt from the Journals of Morgan, declared anathema by the Smith-in-Exile."

You start with 5 Rope Arrows, and there is no place on this level you will be using one where you cannot retrieve it, so don't bother buying anymore. Moss Arrows and Noisemaker Arrows are likewise (in my opinion) a waste of money here. Concentrate on buying undead-harming equipment: Water Arrows, Fire Arrows, Flash Bombs, Mines, and Holy Water. Flash Bombs are scattered about on this level, as are a few Holy Waters and Explosive Mines. While Fire Arrows are also plentiful, they are also very NICE! Try to buy all you can. Also, be sure to pick up a few more Water ARE going against Zombies, and the five you start with won't go far.

Recommended Purchases:  6 Water Arrows, 4 Fire Arrows, 3 Flash Bombs, 1 Holy Water. Total Cost: 2300

Mission Notes

Instead of introducing a new element to the game, this mission brings you new monsters to fight: the Hammer Spirits and the Hammer Haunts (although you have already met a Hammer Haunt in the Bonehoard, this mission introduces them properly, I think).

While the undead can be annoying, they are fortunately few and far between (except for one area, noted in the walkthrough). Basically, any time you come across one, kill it. (Aren't they dead already? Apparently not....) While this is a must when dealing with Hammer Haunts and Hammer Spirits, with Zombies it just makes your travels a little easier when you don't have to watch out for these shuffling creatures. When you do take them out though, try not to use your Flash Bombs unless there's a group of them...they are wonderful little multi-target weapons! This walkthrough ignores (for the most part) patrolling monsters that will get in your way, assuming you will take care of them as you see fit.

It should be noted that this walkthrough is done in a manner so that you can get as much ammunition to use against your undead adversaries as possible. Whereas in other missions I have stated something like: "For those who like completeness, if you go this way you'll find these things...", this mission's walkthrough does not do it that way. If you are doing this mission without destroying every Zombie that crosses your path (i.e., running from them), then many of these areas could be bypassed. Read ahead a bit to find these areas that you might want to skip. However, do be sure to pick up at least two Explosive Mines on your travels.

This mission reinforces a very important lesson for any thief...LOOK EVERYWHERE! And that doesn't mean open every chest and check the floor wherever you means that if there is a way...ANY get to an area, then do so! This level puts items in obscure, unlikely, and in a few cases insidious places!

Due to the nature of the undead on this level, until you've cleaned an area out, consider EVERY area a patrol area! Aside from Zombies, there are also at least two Hammer Spirits that are walking around the level and, in some areas, Burricks, so be careful! I suggest saving your game whenever you've made some progress.

Near the end of the mission, there are two Hammer Spirits you'll need to deal with. I find the easiest way is with Fire Arrows. Try to save about six for this.

NOTE:  This mission contains a lot of areas in darkness. This can be alleviated by operating the various generators scattered on the level. When you are in a darkened area, this walkthrough will take you to the generator as soon as possible, to make the area easier to deal with. (For example, in one area, you need to shoot a Rope Arrow into some beams overhead, which are nearly impossible to see with the lights off.) Some have argued that this makes it harder to hide from the undead, but I find that the mission is much easier when you destroy them instead of hiding from them.


The City, Starting Area Beneath the City The City, Cathedral Street Area The Waterway Getting the Serpentyle Torc The Watchman's Grave The City, Burrick Area Finding the Cathedral The Keeper's Grotto The Keeper's Library
The City, Starting Area

You will start off just over the wall inside the ruins. Immediately in front of you is a scroll. You can ignore is simply giving you information on how to turn the lights on in the darkened areas. We'll take care of this section right away. Move through the opening on your left, and turn right. Directly ahead is a generator. Operate it, and the lights in this part of the ruins will turn on. Move back outside, and turn left.

Move forward, over the pile of leaves. Once over, turn right, and you'll see another pile (actually an extension of the same one). Move forward and go over it as well. Turn right, and move over THIS pile as well. Then, crouch and look under the fallen tower, and you will see a golden plate hidden there (50, Treasure Count: 50). Now, turn around, and go back over the last two leaf piles you climbed.

Turn right, and move forward, until you can see a door to your right. Pick the lock on this door, then go through. Immediately on the floor in front of you there will be 12 Broadhead Arrows (which you can take or leave, as you see fit). Turn left, move forward, and climb partway up this area, then turn around so you're looking both down into the room you were just in, and in the room above that one. Jump forward, and mantle up into the new room. There are two chests in here. The first one contains two Flash Bombs. The second one is locked, and contains two Explosive Mines. Once you've gotten the goodies, work your way back down and out the door you came in.

Once you're back outside, move forward, past the street lamp you can see ahead. When you come to the intersection, turn left. Turn right at the first opportunity, and move forward until you have to turn either left or right. Turn right, and follow this path to an upwards-sloping ramp. Take the ramp up, and continue forward (you'll move past another upwards-sloping ramp to your left) until you cannot move forward anymore. Turn right.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Not only are you currently in a Zombie patrol area, but there's a Burrick nearby as well. (If you're lucky, you'll get to see the Burrick scrap it out with a Zombie. )

Move forward, and you should see a small pillar ahead after a short while. On the right side of this pillar should be a light, and a fallen street sign for "de Perrin" street. Move forward to the LEFT of that pillar. (You're now entering the area with the Burrick.)

Straight ahead and slightly to your left, you should now be able to see the generator for this area. Move over to it and shed some light on your situation. Now turn left (facing down a somewhat long walkway) and move forward. You'll hear running water soon, and see a couple of holes in the wall you're moving towards. Now, turn right when you're able to, and move towards that machine you see. Jump onto it, then turn left, and jump onto the ledge on the wall (you'll have to mantle up). Once you're on the ledge, turn left, and walk along it until you reach the lever. Pull it down, then turn right around. If you're fast enough, you should be able to watch the door up above finish opening.

Walk over to the end of the ledge, just underneath that door. AHA! A ladder! Climb the ladder up into the room you've just opened. Inside, you'll find two Fire Arrows, two Water arrows, and a Breath Potion. Now, climb back down the ladder, and hop back to the ground. Head back the way you came, turning right to go back to the area with the two ramps. Once there, turn right and go up the ramp. At the top, turn right and move forward. Turn left, and move forward. To your left should be an entranceway into what's left of a house. Go into it, and ahead you will see a door. Pick the lock.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a live mine waiting on the other side of this door! Go carefully into the room. On the floor by the bed you will find 3 Noisemaker Arrows and 3 Flash Bombs. The chest closest to the bed holds 3 Explosive Mines and the other chest has 3 Rope Arrows.

[NOTE:  One time, I tried an experiment. I led a Zombie into this room so that the live Mine on the floor would take him out. Apparently, this particular mine is tuned to ignore undead...the Zombie walked right over it without triggering it!]

Leave this room the way you came in, and keep walking forward through an archway, and you should see a small incline ahead, leading up to a door. Pick the lock on that door, and go inside this building. At the far end is a chest containing another Breath Potion. Standing in front of the chest (with your back to the entrance to this building), turn left and move towards a niche in the wall. It contains 3 Fire Arrows. Now, leave the building the way you came in.

As you exit, you should see ahead of you two large piles of leaves. They meet at the back of the wall in the centre, in a sort of "dip". Move up to the dip, and look down at the leaves. Hidden here is a tiara (125, Treasure Count: 175). Once you've got that, go back to the ramp that brought you up here, and take it down. Across from the foot of this ramp is an old, upturned wagon. Move towards it, and to your left you should find an entranceway into a dark room. Go inside, look up, and shoot a Rope Arrow at the beams overhead. Climb up and hop off at the next level.

Up here, take the only exit down a small hallway. At the end, you'll find a golden vase (100, Treasure Count: 275). On the floor in the same room you'll also find a Noisemaker Arrow. There's nothing else up here, so, go back to the hole you climbed up, and go back down.

Back at ground level, leave this room, and go down the ramp ahead. Move straight ahead, to the left of the building. Past the building, you'll have to turn right. Move forward, and almost immediately turn left again. Move forward until you can do so no longer, and turn left. Move forward until you come to a door. Pick the lock, and go through.

In this room, climb the fallen beam up to the platform (you'll probably have to run and jump over the lip at the top). Up on this platform, turn right, and look down to get a ornate vase which has fallen on its side (50, Treasure Count: 325). Turn back so you are facing away from the beam you climbed, and move forward to the end of the platform. Look down and to your right, and you will find a Healing Potion. Go back to the fallen beam and climb down to the room below. There is an exit to your right. Go through it into the next room, which has a large hole in the ground.

Ignore the hole for now. Cross the room and go through the doorway across from the one you entered. Turn left, move forward, turn left again, and enter this enclosed room. Move all the way to the back, on top of that small pile of leaves. Now, look up at the beam above, and you'll find a goblet resting there (15, Treasure Count: 340).

Work your way back to the room with the hold in the floor. Move across to the exit you originally entered this room from, but don't go through. Instead, turn right, and move forward into the corner. Turn right again (so you have a wall to your back and your left), and look up. See that broken beam? Shoot a Rope Arrow into it. Climb up as high as you can. Once you've done that, fix your view so you're looking straight again, then turn so you're back is to the beam your arrow is in. Jump towards that very small beam (actually another part of this broken one) and mantle up onto it.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Beam-hopping can be monotonous if you have to do it over and over again. Turn right around, and jump over to the beam your arrow is in. Then turn left, look down, and you'll find a golden goblet on a window ledge (25, Treasure Count: 365).

Turn around. You should now see two more long beams up here. The furthest one (the one that looks like it's on an angle) holds another treasure, but we have to hop over there to find it. So, hop onto the beam next to yours, and then hop onto the final beam. Turn left, and work your way down the beam to the end. Look down, and you'll find a diamond (100, Treasure Count: 465).

From up here on the beam, you can look down into the hole. There's a Crayman down there, and this is an ideal vantage to shoot some Broadheads into him. After four hits, he'll take off down the tunnel. (If you're fast enough, you can get a fifth arrow into him and kill him right here.)

[NOTE:  In Thief Gold, it seemed to take about six arrows to kill the Crayman. Did they make these guys more powerful in Thief Gold, or was I just sloppy with my arrows?]

Beneath the City

Drop down to the floor, and from there drop into the hole. Move down the tunnel from here, turn right when you get the chance, and move forward into an old storage room filled with barrels. Move to the end of this room, and turn left. On the floor here are two more Water Arrows. Move back to the front of this room, and take the exit on the right. Turn right when you can, and move into an underground pool area.

There are a couple of items scattered in this room. Across the pool from you, you should be able to see the remains of some poor guy. If you think of the pool as a clock, with the remains at 12 o'clock, then you can find a Moss Arrow at 3 o'clock, and another one at 9 o'clock. Amongst the fellow's remains you will a small golden hammer (75, Treasure Count: 540). Also, in the centre of the pool are two more Water Arrows. Leave this grotto the way you entered, move through the old storage room, and down the tunnel you followed to get here. When you come to the decision point (left takes you back to where you shot at the Crayman), turn right, and follow this tunnel. When you see a light coming from an exit ahead, stop.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Move into the room. If you didn't kill the Crayman with your arrows, he's fled into this room. If you got four of your Broadheads into him, then a single downward stroke with your Sword will do him in (quite possible, a sidestroke will also work...I haven't tried myself). [Thief Gold users, see the note above about the Crayman and arrows, about 3 paragraphs up.]

On the floor in this room you will find another golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 565). Move through the room and out the next exit, into a long tunnel. Turn right and follow this tunnel straight ahead until you enter a large cavern.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There are Burricks nearby. I've never seen them this far from the sewer, but that doesn't mean they don't come here. There are a total of three.

There are four treasures scattered about this room. Basically, there is one in each "corner" of the room. From where you enter, in the left corner you'll find another golden goblet (25, Treasure Count: 590), and in the right corner is a purse (100, Treasure Count: 690). (The purse is difficult to see, but it's there.)

On the floor in between the two large stone columns in the "centre" of the room, you'll also find a Noisemaker Arrow, a Rope Arrow, and a key.

At the opposite end of the cave from where you entered, you'll find the entrance to another tunnel. Right beside it on the floor to the left is a goblet (15, Treasure Count: 705). Directly across from this opening on the far side of the cave is a golden vase (100, Treasure Count: 805).

Gather all the items from this cave, then move to the new exit (with the goblet beside the entrance).

SAVE YOUR GAME! If you didn't find the Burrick's there, you may find them here.

Move forward into the tunnel. There are a few holes in the side of the tunnel, but they are nothing more than deep recesses. While they don't lead anywhere, they are useful for hiding in if there are any Burricks to avoid. Keep following the tunnel until it opens into a long cavern. If there are no Burricks present, then move in. This cavern also has two of the hiding holes. At the far end of the cavern, there's a hole that goes into the sewer system.

SAVE YOUR GAME! If you meet the Burricks in the deeper sewers, it can be a can't use your weapons! Move into the sewers, and go to the wall opposite and just to the right of the entrance (if you look up a touch, you'll see an inoperative light on the wall). Look down. In the water by a grating, you will find another goblet (15, Treasure Count: 820). Now, turn around, and follow the water down the tunnel. Soon, you'll come to an incline with water spilling down it. Climb up here, and at the top, turn right. The water ends at another upwards incline. Climb up.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Any Burricks you haven't dealt with will be dealt with here! Move forward, then turn right. Ahead, turn left down this dark tunnel. Once you enter a sort of chamber, move to the centre of the chamber and stop. Turn right. See that lamp in the wall? It may be difficult to see, but if you've turned about 90 degrees, you should be facing it directly. Move over to it. Now, jump straight up, and grab the gold plate on the ledge (50, Treasure Count: 870). (This procedure is easier if you look down before you jump.)

Time to leave. Head back down the tunnel you came in from, and then turn right. Move into the next chamber, and directly opposite you you should be able to see a ladder. Hop on, climb up, and turn to the right. Activate the generator. Hop off the ladder onto the steel platform (if you have any Moss Arrows, you may want to quiet your landing). Now turn, and you should see a short hallway ending at a small portcullis. Jump across the gap into that hallway.

The City, Cathedral Street Area

SAVE YOUR GAME! You're going back into Zombie patrol areas! There's a lever on the wall which opens the portcullis. Operate it, and go through. Turn right, and move forward into the street. Turn left, move forward. At the next left, note the street sign saying you're on "Cathedral" street. Take the left, and continue down this street until you come to a large hole in the wall to your left. Go through, turn right, look down, and pick up the gilded vase (100, Treasure Count: 970). Go back through the hole, turn right, and work your way back to the street sign.

Move forward, back onto the street, and turn left. Move forward, to the door that you will see in the wall to your left. Pick the lock and go inside. Climb the fallen timber up to the next level. Once you're at the top, there is a window to your right holding another gilded vase (100, Treasure Count: 1070).

For those of you who like completeness, turn around so your back is to the window. On the far beam rests two Water Arrows that you can get by jumping and mantling. Once you've retrieved them, return to the window.

SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about to make a tricky jump. Move yourself into the window where you picked up the vase. Face the building across the street, then do a quick run and jump across. DON'T LET GO OF THE JUMP BUTTON! The jump is too big for you, but by holding the jump button, you'll grab the edge and mantle up onto the top of the wall. Also, when you do the run, don't hold it until the last moment and then want to press run and then jump almost at the same time.

Look down. There's a gold plate resting in the rafters beneath. Aim yourself so you can fall safely onto one of them, and grab the plate (50, Treasure Count: 1120). Then move across the rafters to the safer wooden floor ahead.

Ahead to your right is an exit from this room. Go through it. At the end of this hall, drop down into the next room. Turn right, move forward, and fall to the street below. Turn left, move forward, turn left again. Move forward, through that tiny crack ahead. Once through, turn left. You should be in an area with a lamp up on the wall, and some wooden beams. Move under the first beam, so you hit the second. Now, turn right and look up. On a ledge you should now be able to see a jewelled vase (50, Treasure Count: 1170).

Now turn right a little more, so you're facing into a fairly well-lit area with a pile of leaves. Move forward. As you do, you should see a doorway just beyond and to the left of the leaves. Go through that doorway. Almost immediately inside, there will be a door on the left. Pick the lock and go inside. On the right wall will be two niches. The one farthest from the door contains a diamond (100, Treasure Count: 1270). Now exit the room, and move through the doorway in the wall directly opposite this room. Once through, turn left, and you should see a raised drawbridge, in front of which is a flow of water.

[Note:  Several people have written to tell me about this drawbridge. If you look through the "window" on the right, you will see a panel with two buttons on it. Shooting a Broadhead Arrow at the lower button will apparently lower the drawbridge so you can cross, if you wish to do so!]

The Waterway

Dive into the water. Follow the flow, and when you reach the corner ahead, turn left. At the next corner, however, stop. Turn to your left (facing the wall), and dive under. Go into this tunnel here, move to the end, turn right, push forward just a little, and immediately surface for air.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This next part can cause you a bit of damage if not done correctly, and if you've taken any so far, that might kill you. Dive again, and move forward. Take the left turn ahead, continue on, and take the next left as well. Push forward to the dead end, and look down. Someone else tried to swim here, and wasn't as smart as you. Pick up his purse (100, Treasure Count: 1370). You're probably running short on air by this point, so take a Breath Potion. Now, turn 180 degrees, and press forward. (Note: On your way down this tunnel, suspended in the water is a Moss Arrow, if you'd like to grab it.) Near the end of this tunnel, turn left into another one, and surface. Try to surface quietly and as far back as you can.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Not only do you not want to go through the Olympic Freestyle again, but there's another Crayman nearby. Swim slowly into the next area. In the middle of the pool there will be a stone "island" you can mantle up onto.

[NOTE:  While playing the original Thief game, when I arrived here, the Crayman was stationary. In Thief Gold, however, it has a small patrol area in this room.]

There are a number of ways to deal with this situation. First, you can deal with the Crayman from here. You could kill him using any method you prefer. He can't reach you while you're on the island, so take your time and enjoy yourself. :) Or, you could simply leave him alone. The next part can be done without the Crayman ever being a danger to you.

You can jump to the edge of the pool to get to a larger space of land, but it's not really necessary. Look up, and shoot a Rope Arrow into the beam above. (Note: You have to shoot the arrow at the SIDE of a beam, NOT directly beneath it!) Climb up, and mantle yourself up onto the beam. (You may need to jump from this beam to another in order to do this.) Once you're standing safely on the beam, look around you for a larger wooden platform and a doorway. Head for it, and go through the doorway. Turn left, move forward, turn right, and move into a small room. Turn right, and you'll see a door.

Getting the Serpentyle Torc

SAVE YOUR GAME! Once you pick the lock on this door, you are going to be facing a horde of Zombies (at least seven, if I recall correctly)! They may not all be out there at the same time, but they are there. (The first time I did this, as I opened the door, FIVE were waiting for me!) This is the perfect time to use your Flash Bombs. NOTE: There is a bridge over some water to your left that you cannot see right when you step out. There may be more Zombies hiding over that way that you're not aware of, so be careful!

Pick the lock on the door, and deal with the Zombies as you see fit. Once they're all scattered in pieces, move forward (your back should be to the door you entered this area from) and turn left. Cross the bridge, and when you can turn left again do so. Move down the hill until you come to a wall that you can jump onto. Once you've done that, turn left, walk along the wall until you're pressed up against the larger one, and mantle up. Turn right, and go across this wall (you'll actually be walking on the lip of the drawbridge in the middle!) towards the hole in the wall across from you. When you're able, jump across into the hole. In here there is a locked door.

NOTE:  At this point in both the original Thief game and in Thief Gold, the sound on my game acted up here. Trying the door makes no noise, nor does trying the wrong lockpick. Picking the lock is rather silent as well. If your game is similar, don't panic when you don't hear sounds you're used to. Everything's fine, you haven't done anything wrong.

Pick the lock. Move into and across the room, to an opening ahead. Drop down, and drop down again, and again to the ground level. Move ahead, and you should see some lights far down a long path. Go on up to the lights. They are outside a large house.

Face the house, walk up the steps, and look down. Move the welcome mat to reveal a small hole in the porch containing the key to the front door. (You may have to crouch to get the key).

SAVE YOUR GAME! This part is tricky, dangerous, and needs to be timed right. There are two Hammer Haunts inside, but they are easy to take care of with a couple of Explosive Mines. Unfortunately, they are patrolling, so you need to get this done when they're away from you and can't see you.

Open the door. Directly inside there will be a door on your left, and a doorway on your right. Move into the doorway, and plant a mine there. Quickly move back to the front door, and plant a mine there as well. Now, move outside.

The first explosion will destroy the first Hammer Haunt, and bring the other one looking. Be sure you're in his line of sight, so he'll see you and come after you outside. Once he blows up, you'll have free reign of the house.

[NOTE:  The above procedure was done before I realized how easy these creatures are to destroy using Flash Bombs. If you've got enough of them to spare, then by all means use them. (The procedure above was left in because I rather like using it, even when I have enough Flash Bombs.)]

Move inside the house, and go through the door on your left (the key you found under the mat works here too). Turn left. In the chest you'll find 2 Moss Arrows. While you're in here, grab that vase on the table as well (50, Treasure Count: 1420). Now exit this room through the door you entered, and head through the doorway across from it (where you planted the first Mine). Once through, turn left. Go over to the stairs (ramps, really), and climb the stairs all the way to the top. At the top, turn left, and go into a very large bedroom.

Immediately to your left is a locked chest which contains a vial of Holy Water. At the opposite end of the room, next to the bed, is another locked chest, which contains the Serpentyle Torc (350, Treasure Count: 1770). That's all you want from this house (all the levers you see in here just operate the lights), so exit this room the way you came in, go down the stairs (ramps), turn left, forward, turn right through the doorway, then turn left and go out the front door.

Back on leafy ground, turn right and head back the way you entered this area. When you come to the wall, mantle up a couple of times (the first time you'll have to do a running jump) and move through the hole in the wall. Walk through this room and out the door at the far end.

The Watchman's Grave

SAVE YOUR GAME! To get down safely, you have to jump over to the thin wall that contains the drawbridge. One small miscalculation and you'll either be in a world of hurt, or swimming back the hard way.

Jump onto the wall with the drawbridge. Once you're safely on, move forward some until you can jump safely from the wall onto the hill. Move forward, and turn right. You should now be facing the bridge and the area where you met the Zombie Horde. Cross the bridge, and move towards the doorway with the shining light above it. The key you found in the Burrick cavern will open this portcullis. Once it is raised, go inside, and operate the generator. Turn around and exit the way you came in.

Once you're in the street again, turn left, move forward a bit, and then turn left again. There's a doorway here. Move through it. Once inside, immediately turn left, and look down. Open the chest to get another purse (100, Treasure Count: 1870). Turn right again, facing the hole in the wall. Crouch and move through that passage. You'll emerge in a room with two other passages leading out (you've just entered through a fireplace!). Move into the room a bit, and turn right. You should see a niche with an Explosive Mine in it. Take it, then turn about 180 degrees and take the left passage. Inside, you'll find flights of stairs. Take them all the way to the top. Once there, look up and shoot a Rope Arrow into the ceiling. Climb up and hop off on the next level.

In the corner opposite the hole you just came up through is a Fire Arrow on the floor. Once you've grabbed that, turn around to face the windows in here. You want the one on the left.

SAVE YOUR GAME! If you make a mistake here, you fall down to the street. Do a running jump out the window to land on the ledge across the street with the door on it. Pick the lock on the door, and go inside. Follow the hall to another door. Go through it. Balance yourself on the beam up here. Down below there are two Spiders. Use your Broadheads from here to safely deal with them. Once they are pincushions, jump across to the next beam, and then fall down onto the sloping beam beyond that. Your fall should carry you off the beam onto the ground, but if it doesn't, move forward so you fall to the ground.

The large structure in here is the Watchman's Grave. (If you don't believe me, there's a tiny plaque at the base you can read that will confirm it.) Take out your coins and put them in the dish on the Grave.

Now to leave. The fastest way out of this area is to shoot a Rope Arrow at the beams above, climb up, mantle onto the beam, and go through the door. Keep moving down the hall, and stop at the ledge outside.

The City, Burrick Area

SAVE YOUR GAME! Another death-defying jump here. Look across the street at the building to your right. There are two wooden rafters you can see. Aim a Rope Arrow at the left one. Now, do a running jump across, and grab the rope on your way down. Climb up, and turn to face the flat, dark, brink area to your left. Jump onto that area. Here, turn to your right, and move forward. Look down to get the gilded vase (100, Treasure Count: 1970). Now turn right around, and move to the other end to pick up another 12 Broadhead Arrows.

Turn back so you are facing the rope, and jump onto it. We're going to abandon this Rope Arrow. Climb all the way down to street level. Now, turn so you are facing the doorway in the greenish wall. Go through it, turn left, and open the chest to get a ring (100, Treasure Count: 2070).

Turn around, and move forward, taking the left turn ahead. Step into the next room, and take the first right (almost immediately upon entering). Walk down the passage to a hole in the floor.

SAVE YOUR GAME! You're about the enter a Spider Lair. While there's only one Spider, and I've always found it in the same place, I'm not 100% sure it will always be that way.

Drop down into the hole. Move through the opening in front of you, down to the end. Turn left and hop onto the ladder there. Climb ALL the way up, then turn right around, jump off the ladder, pull out your Broadhead Arrows, and wait. Eventually, you should see a Spider crawling around ahead. When you do, deal with it accordingly. Once that's done, move ahead through the hole ahead. Once through, turn left and move to the end. Look down on the floor to find a Healing Potion and a goblet (15, Treasure Count: 2085). Now turn around and head back the way you came, past the hole you climbed in through, and search the floor in the darker areas for another vase (50, Treasure Count: 2135). Now turn around 180 degrees.

NOTE:  At this point, if you go through the hole on your right, you will need to pull yourself up onto street level again. Unfortunately, this is a patrol area of Burricks (I've seen up to four at once!) and a Spider. This hole is, however, ideal for throwing Mines and Flash Bombs in their area without endangering yourself. Just remember that it takes more than one Mine to kill a Burrick. (It might also be a good idea to attract the Burricks' attention, and lead them to the Zombies instead of fighting them yourself...then the Zombies can kill the Burricks for you!) Deal with the Burricks as you see fit.

NOTE:  This next bit is, once more, a touch more difficult for Thief Gold players than for those with the original game. The room mentioned below that has the Rope Arrow and the ladder in it also has an occupant: a Flaming Spirit. Otherwise, it is the same. Deal with him as you see fit.

Move through the hole on your left (you may need to jump), and move forward, dropping down the hole ahead (you may catch on the ladder, and have to climb the rest of the way down). Once at the bottom, turn and move into the next room, and go across the room through the next doorway. Follow the tunnel to a large room. On the floor in the far corner is a Rope Arrow. Now, turn to face the ladder, and climb up into the next room, jumping off the ladder once you reach the top.

Turn to face the closed door in this room, and go through it. Turn left, move forward, turn right, move forward. Move past (probably OVER) the large pile of leaves/grass/straw/whatever on your left, and go forward through a small crack. You should now have a bridge on your left. Turn to face it, and walk about halfway across it. Then turn to the right, and do a running jump into the generator building ahead. Turn to the right, and operate the generator. Turn right again, and do another running jump out of here, landing on the bridge again.

This next section is only if you're short on Fire Arrows or if you like to find everything. On the bridge, turn left, and move forward. Ahead you should see a small crate. Pick it up. Now, turn right and move back through the crack, and over the refuse pile again. Turn left, and move forward, following the left wall to its end. There, you want to place the crate you're carrying against the wall. Jump up onto it, then mantle yourself up onto the wall. Now, turn to face the building across from the wall, and jump over to the roof. Turn left again, and mantle yourself up into the enclosed area. Turn left, move forward, and pick up three Fire Arrows on the floor. (Read the book too, if you're interested.) Make you're way back down to the ground level, then turn to face away from the direction you entered this area in. You should see another door. Pick the lock, and inside you'll find another Breath Potion. Now, exit this tiny room the way you entered, and make your way back to the bridge.

Finding the Cathedral

On the bridge, make sure you are facing so that the generator room is on your right. Move forward towards the lighted area ahead and to the left. Once inside, move through the shallow pool and turn right. Go forward, and you'll find a box. Pick the lock on it to find another ring (100, Treasure Count: 2235). Turn around and head back towards the shallow pool. On your way, turn right and move through the opening in the wall. Directly ahead should be another opening in a fallen building.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There is usually at least one Burrick in this area, and one time I saw two. Go through that opening (you will have to crouch). Turn left, and in the far corner you will find another diamond (100, Treasure Count: 2335). Turn so you are facing up the slope, and climb it, all the way. Once you're on natural ground again, move forward, go through the door ahead, and turn left.

SAVE YOUR GAME! You're near the end, but there are still two Hammer Spirits to deal with. I'm going to describe the method how I deal with them. If you have a different method that works well for you, then by all means, use it.

Move forward through the hole ahead, and turn right. Walk up the street, keeping to shadows when you can. As you walk, there will be a total of two alcoves you can hide in on the right side. When the patrolling Hammer Spirit gives you the opportunity, move into the second one (the one closest to him). Hide in the darkest corner (this will be the one closest to the patrol). Ready your Fire Arrows, and LEAN out, and wait. When the patrol comes back, wait until he's stopped, then let loose with your Arrows. Three should take care of the patrol. Once he's taken care of, you can shoot at the one above the entranceway. Again, three will take care of it. Note that since you're leaning, it's very easy to dodge in and out of hiding, which can be very useful here.

Once those two guards are taken care of, you should be able to move freely about here. Exit your hiding place, and turn right. Move forward into the large area, and turn right again. Move to the fallen streetlamp at the end, and behind it you'll find another diamond (100, Treasure Count: 2435). Now, turn around to face the Cathedral.

Move forward, into the Cathedral, and climb the stairs. Continue forward, until you can go either left or right. Trying the Cathedral doors won't help. They're sealed. There's a plaque above the door which reads:

"Warning: Great evil resides in this place, and it is no longer fit for men. The doors are sealed, to protect us from that which lies within. Do not remain here."

Turn right, and move forward. Circle your way all the way around the Cathedral, until you come to an area where you can mantle up onto a ledge. (Along the way, study the'll find two Fire Arrows.)

Mantle up onto the ledge. Mantle up to the next ledge. Move over to the opening here, and listen to what The Eye says:

"Comes a man to rescue me...poor man, the Keepers have sealed the door, and only they know how to open them. Cross you the bridge to the grotto of the Keeper Sentinel. Stand you on the pedestal...and illuminate the statue with fire. Then can you discover...the secret of the Talisman."

Cryptic instructions, but we can decipher them. Incidentally, your mission objectives have changed now:

  1. Find the Cathedral. (Checked)
  2. Follow the Eye's directions in order to learn how to get inside the Cathedral.
  3. Grab 2000 in loot. (Checked)
  4. Locate and steal the Serpentyle Torc. (Checked)
  5. Leave some coins on the Watchman's Grave for good luck. (Checked)
  6. Exit the ruins.

Note:  Inside the Cathedral you can see some undead wandering around. Leave them can't get inside the Cathedral yet, and any you destroy now will not affect how many there are when you return here in "Return to the Cathedral".

NOTE:  You do not have to hang around watching the spinning crown while The Eye tells you what to do. You can start heading towards where it's telling you to go AS it tells you, without penalty. :)

The Keeper's Grotto

Okay, climb back down to ground level, and circle all the way back to the entrance. Leave the Cathedral, climb down the stairs, and at the bottom, turn right. Move down the street, and at the end turn left and move through the hole ahead. Go through the door ahead and to the right, and move forward to the starting edge of the fallen building. Turn left, move forward, turn right, move forward, and turn left and go through the hole in the wall. Turn right, move forward, turn left, and move forward through the shallow pool of water and out into the street. Turn right, and move forward, stopping at the foot of the bridge. Look up, and shoot a Rope Arrow into the wooden structure above. Climb the rope up, and jump in. Turn right, move to the end, and look down. Get the necklace someone lost here (200, Treasure Count: 2635). Turn around and drop back down to the bridge.

Move forward off the bridge, and turn right. You should see a stone bridge leading into another area. Go in there, using a running jump to get across the water (you'll have to mantle up onto the island). Stand on the metal structure shaped like a keyhole, then turn to face the statue in the alcove on almost the opposite side of the grotto from where you entered. Shoot a Fire Arrow AT THE STATUE. The resulting explosion will light both torches on either side of it. Now turn left, and you'll see a panel opening. Jump across (you shouldn't have to mantle this time), and climb into the new opening.

[Incidentally, if you're interested...the locked chest here contains a vial of Holy Water. There's also a Healing Potion on the ground between the metal protrusion and the chest.]

The Keeper's Library

Turn left, and follow this tunnel into a new, open area. On the right side (as you face the building), is a shattered statue. Pick up the two heaviest pieces (i.e., not the head), one at a time, and place them on the pedestal on the right. This will open the door into the building. Then, jump onto the pedestal on the left. This will open the portcullis into the new place. Face the opening, and run into it. The portcullis will close behind you.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This room is trapped. Look at the floor, and notice the oddly outlined floor panels. They are weight-sensitive triggers. Stepping on them releases arrows. There is a safe path, right down the middle between them. Go that way, and down the stairs at the end. Turn right, and move forward to the door ahead, being careful not to step on the weight-trigger in front of the door (again, it's a large, conspicuous-looking tile).

Pick the lock on the door. Once it is opened, move into the room beyond. You can step on the trigger at this point, as there is no danger to you. The trigger causes the far wall (behind you) to move closer, eventually crushing you if you haven't gotten into the next room yet.

In this room, turn left, climb the stairs, and go through the door ahead. Inside, climb down the stair, get the key lying on the table, and get the oddly-shaped device as well. (Read the books if you's not important to the game, but it does reveal more about the game's story.)

Now turn around, and go back through the door. Move straight across the room, to another door, and unlock it with the key you found in the previous room. Go through the door.

On the table in this room is a book. First, look at the table. Then, read the book. After you do, your mission objectives change again:

  1. Find the Cathedral. (Checked)
  2. Find a way to get inside the Cathedral, and steal the Eye. (This one will have a mark in the box, indicating its irrelevance.)
  3. Grab 2000 in loot. (Checked)
  4. Locate and steal the Serpentyle Torc. (Checked)
  5. Leave some coins on the Watchman's Grave for good luck. (Checked)
  6. Exit the ruins. (This one will have a mark in the box, indicating its irrelevance.)
  7. Get the Portal Key out of the Keeper's Library. (Checked)

You may notice that everything that you need to do has been done. Congratulations! You've discovered what you need to proceed to the next mission!