Down in the Bonehoard (Mission 3)

My best time on Expert:  22 minutes, 44 seconds
Maximum Possible Treasure:  2450


"...And the manfools piled rocks on rocks and raised a treesie roof, hammers saws tear the skin of goodsie wood... ...and laughs at the Woodsie Lord. ...And when learns the Lord of this, He sends His beastesses to the manfools... ...who attacks and hammers saws their useless fleshes, and build him a house of they rotting skins."
  — Unattributed Trickster song

I was pissed at Cutty for a good while after the...prison debacle. But hey, you can't blame him for what the Hammers did to him. So I decided to go after that horn Felix talked about. Not like I had a whole lot of choice, really...the rent is due...and my landlord's even tougher than the Hammers.

The map's pretty specific about where the entrance is. Too bad it's not as clear about where the HORN is. Felix did some scrounging before he left, and his notes say the horn is in the tomb of some nobles...the Quintus family. Guess I'll just have to explore.

Felix, always helpful, also said that the catacombs are supposed to be haunted. Think I'll go make some inquiries about where a "heretic" like me can get some holy water. Always go prepared....

Objectives:  Normal

  1. Search through the ancient bonehoard and procure the legendary Horn of Quintus.

Objectives:  Hard

  1. Search through the ancient Bonehoard and procure the legendary Horn of Quintus.
  2. What use do the dead have for their treasures, anyhow? Relieve them of at least 1000 worth of valuables.
  3. In addition to garnering the Horn of Quintus, find and steal the fabled gemstone, "The Mystic's Soul."
  4. Once you have what you came for, get back to the surface.

Objectives:  Expert

  1. Search through the ancient Bonehoard and procure the legendary Horn of Quintus.
  2. In addition to garnering the Horn of Quintus, find and steal the fabled gemstone, "The Mystic's Soul."
  3. What use do the dead have for their treasures, anyhow? Relieve them of at least 2000 worth of valuables.
  4. The Mystic's Soul had a sister stone, called "The Mystic's Heart," also thought to be in the Bonehoard. Find it. Make it yours.
  5. Once you have what you came for, get back to the surface.

Simplified Objectives

  1. Find the Horn of Quintus.
  2. Steal the gemstone "The Mystic's Soul."
  3. Rob the dead. Need 2000 total loot.
  4. Steal the gemstone "The Mystic's Heart."
  5. Once you have what you came for, get back to the surface.

While the objective of 2000 in loot may seem a bit daunting, what you HAVEN'T been told is that both the Mystic's Soul and the Mystic's Heart contribute to your final Treasure Count (a total of 1500).

Before The Mission

What You'll Encounter:  Zombies, Burricks, Flaming Spirit, Hammer Haunt.

Starting Funds:  Whatever you managed to steal from Cragscleft Prison. (Maximum: 1688.)

Starting Gear:

  • 1 Sword
  • 1 Blackjack
  • 50 Broadhead Arrows
  • 12 Water Arrows
  • 8 Rope Arrows
  • 3 Healing Potions
  • 3 Holy Water

Items for Sale:

  • 12 Water Arrows (Cost: 50 each)
  • 6 Rope Arrows (Cost: 200 each)
  • 6 Noisemaker Arrows (Cost: 250 each)
  • 3 Healing Potions (Cost: 250 each)
  • 3 Holy Waters (Cost: 200 each)

It is unnecessary to purchase any Rope Arrows, as your eight will be more than enough to finish this mission. (Likewise, I didn't need to use any Noisemaker Arrows either.) If you plan on destroying the undead that you come across (as opposed to simply running around them), then buy up all the Holy Water and the Water Arrows. Although you start with three already, an extra Healing Potion or two may not be a bad idea either.

Recommended Purchases:  12 Water Arrows, 3 Holy Waters. Total Cost: 1200

Mission Notes

This mission introduces you to a new aspect of Thief: Traps.

While most of the "puzzles" on this mission are no real problem, there is one that is VERY unforgiving. To obtain the Mystic's Soul, you need to have at least FIVE Fire Arrows. If you have less than five, then you've either missed some along the way, or expended too many already. You'll have to reload at an earlier (usually a MUCH earlier) part of the mission. If you are playing Thief Gold, you will also need a few Water Arrows and/or some Holy Water. Note that in Thief Gold, every time you scare off the Guardian for this puzzle it drops a Fire Arrow on the ground, so you can come here with fewer than five and acquire all that you need (provided you can deal with the Guardian enough times).

There are a few areas of this mission where you can find the remains of the members of Felix's doomed expedition. Beside each is a notebook which you can read. These are interesting, but most of the time you will not find them if you follow this walkthrough...they are scattered about in other areas. If you want to find them, you'll have to do some exploring on your own.

There is a secondary objective in this mission that you can perform, if you choose to. Scattered throughout the Halls of Echoing Repose will be some golden bones you can find. While they don't count towards treasure, if you find them all and place them all in a specific coffin, you are rewarded with more Holy Water, Fire Arrows, etc.. While this walkthrough will not attempt to complete this (as it is unnecessary to complete the mission), it will be noted where these bones can be found and where to bury them. [NOTE: I have not tried this objective in Thief Gold yet...I do not know if the effect is different or not.]

Once I completed this mission, my stats screen showed: "Innocents Killed: None, and Others Killed: 1". I presume that the one it thinks I killed was the Flaming Spirit, as the only other things I "killed" were Zombies.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I have had innumerable people write in asking me this question, so I felt I had better include the information here. If you are playing this mission on a difficulty setting OTHER THAN EXPERT, then you will not need to find "The Mystic's Heart", and if you are playing on Normal, you will not need to find "The Mystic's Soul". If you try to go to the area where one of these gems is kept, and you don't have the mission objective to find it, THAT AREA IS SEALED OFF! You cannot get into these areas unless you need to complete the mission!


Entering the Bonehoard The Tombs, Upper Level The Tombs, Middle Level The Tombs, Lower Level The Tunnels The Halls of Echoing Repose Obtaining the Mystic's Soul Obtaining the Horn of Quintus Tomb Robbing Obtaining the Mystic's Heart Leaving the Bonehoard
Entering the Bonehoard

You start facing the entrance into the Bonehoard. There is a Corpse-Zombie lying on the ground in front of the entrance. Above it and to the left, you should see a faint light (not the light from the lantern...above and to the left of that). You want to get up there. Turn left to face the hill, and RUN (walking won't work) to climb the hill, and make your way over to the dimly lit area. It's a crypt. On the floor to the right of the bier is a goblet (15, Treasure Count: 15). Now turn, leave this room, and make your way onto the stone "roof" you can see ahead. Once you're on top, turn right (facing the Corpse-Zombie), and let yourself drop down, turn 180 degrees, and move forward into the Bonehoard.

Directly across from you, across a large hole with some planks across it, you should see a rope hanging down into the room below you, and beyond that, another room through a hole in the wall. Ignore the rope, and move into the next room.

Yes, it's a long way down. However, the ceiling just above you is made of wood. Shoot a Rope Arrow into the ceiling, then use the rope to descend into the room below. The rope does not reach the floor, but don't worry, the fall is not far enough to damage you.

The Tombs, Upper Level

Once you've landed, turn so that your back is to the wall with the ugly faces on it. You now have a choice. The apparent exit to the far right is nothing more than a dark alcove. The exit to the room is to the far left. However, going straight ahead between to two pillars will take you quite quickly into a dead-end room, but on the floor at the far end (in the rubble area, behind the "ALARUS" sign) is a healing potion. Considering the problems you'll be facing, I recommend grabbing it. Now, go back to the room you just left, and turn right, and then take the right-hand turn ahead. You should now be facing a stairway up.

[For those of you who want to get a few more water arrows for this mission (and that's probably not a bad idea), this next part is for you. If you'd rather just press on, skip the next paragraph.]

Turn left, and follow this dark passage up some stairs, until you are on a ledge overlooking the first room, with the three ledges, the rope, and the Zombie. Turn right, facing the south wall, and crouch. See that hole in the wall? Beyond it is a chest. Open it, and you'll get 8 Water Arrows. Now, turn around, and take the same passage back down to the other set of stairs.

Take these stairs up, and follow the passage. Ignore the first turning on your left...while it leads to a holy water font, you really don't need it. Once you enter the next room, with a set of stairs and some coffins set into the wall ahead, turn right.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There's a trap here that you'll want to avoid. Look over at the far end of the room, near the coffins. A section of the floor is slightly recessed. It's a pressure plate. Stepping on it will set off the trap, and you'll be riddled with arrows. Unfortunately, there is a golden vase guarded by that trap. There are two ways to avoid this trap. Either walk onto it when you're crouched down, stand after the arrows have fired, look up and grab the vase, and then move off. Alternatively, walk AROUND the pressure plate, and when you're close enough, jump up, and grab the vase before you come down again (100, Treasure Count: 115).

Once you've got the vase, take the stairs out of the room. (Note: if you used the crouch method to avoid the trap, be sure you move OFF the plate before heading towards the stairs...otherwise, you may set the trap off again and turn yourself into swiss cheese.)

In the next room, stop as soon as you've entered. That corpse ahead is another Corpse-Zombie. Turn to your left, and you'll see a rope descending from the ceiling. Grab it, and climb down. At the bottom, turn left, and move into the next room.

The Tombs, Middle Level

SAVE YOUR GAME! That's another Corpse-Zombie you can see. Ahead of you, to the left of the Corpse-Zombie (past the passage to your left) is a hole in the wall. Inside it is a chest, containing a treasure. You can either use your holy water to make some Holy Water Arrows to take out the Zombie (a waste, in my opinion), or you can run up, grab the treasure, and run out of the room with the Zombie following you (I have not been able to do this without waking him up). Pick your method, and grab the small diamond from the chest (100, Treasure Count: 215). Leave this room from the same entrance you used, and push forward into the room with the pool. Dive into the pool, and swim forward (ignore the turning to the right), and when you surface, turn 180 degrees and pull yourself out of the water.

Hmm...those two chests look tempting don't they? And unguarded, too. That should be your first clue there's more here than meets the eye. Each one of these chests in trapped. Once opened, an arrow shoots out from just beneath the chest, directly ahead of it. So, when you open these chests, be sure you're not standing directly in front. The left chest holds a Speed potion, and the right one contains 6 Fire Arrows.

Turn around, move past the pool, and turn right. Yes, that is a long drop down, but someone has kindly provided you with a ladder to climb safely. Once you've reached the bottom of the ladder, MOVE forward've stepped on a pressure plate, releasing a boulder from above. If you're still standing there when it hits...well, you get the idea.

The Tombs, Lower Level

Ahead of you is a tunnel leading to the right. Take it. When you reach the red tunnel area, turn right, and then left. Ahead you should see an opening back into gray tunnels.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a Burrick patrolling in the tunnel ahead. You can do this one of two ways...the fast way and the safe way. The safe way involves you staying here, and firing Arrows at the Burrick as he passes by, until you've killed him. As you do this though, he will be breathing his deadly gas at you, so you may have to crouch in the low area with the boulders from time to time. The fast method is to watch, and when he's moved out of your sight to your RIGHT, jump down into the tunnel.

Whichever method you use, after you're in the tunnel, turn left, and go through the hole in the wall ahead. Once you're down in the next tunnel, turn right, move forward, and let yourself fall down into the water below. (This part can be tricky, as once you fall into the next tunnel, it gets a little disorienting. Just fall, turn right until you see a way to go forward, and do so. If you wind up in a gray cavern with roaming Burricks, you went the wrong way.)

Once you've come back to the surface of the water, turn right slightly, and you should see an opening in the cave wall. Move towards it, and climb out of the water when you reach it. Head up the stairs.

SAVE YOUR GAME! See all those recessed floor panels? Each one is a pressure plate that shoots an arrow out towards whomever happens to be standing on the plate. In this case, that's you. To avoid an untimely demise, crouch as you walk through this room, and the arrows will fly over your head instead of through your heart. Move towards the lighted area with the corpse on the floor. Don't worry, he's not a Corpse-Zombie this time. [Note: One time while doing this room, I somehow got hit by an arrow while still crouched. This was a one time occurrence that I have not been able to repeat.]

In this small room, there is another trap. Right in front of the ledge with the Fire Arrows on it is another pressure plate. You can get close enough to the ledge to grab the Arrows without setting off the trap (there are six Fire Arrows in all). [If you want to do it the hard way, crouch, and WALK (don't run) forward onto the plate. The arrow will fly past you. Then you can stand up and take the Arrows from the ledge. Note that, in order for this to work properly, you have to crouch and walk DIRECTLY towards the ledge, i.e., not on an angle. To play it safe, you may want to inch forward until you hear the trap spring, then wait for the arrow to fly before proceeding.]

On the floor next to the body is a small purse (100, Treasure Count: 315). There is also a papyrus which, if you read, will give you a clue regarding how to obtain the Mystic's Soul.

Turn around, and leave the way you came (don't forget to crouch). Back in the water room, at the far end across from you, you should see another tunnel. Swim over there, and pull yourself up.

The Tunnels

Follow these tunnels (you can run safely here) until you reach the end, where you are overlooking a gray cavern filled with roaming Burricks. [Note: In the tunnels leading up to this point, there is never any choice of which direction to go, although in one point you need to pull yourself up into the next tunnel.] Take a look around. Note that when you enter the cavern, you can go left, or you can go right slightly, where the tunnel then turns to head in the direction you are (currently) facing. That is the area you will want.

SAVE YOUR GAME! These Burricks do not like trespassers. Drop down into the cavern, turn right, then left. Just after making this turn, turn to your right and there will be a hole in the wall. Enter it, turn left, and follow the tunnel to the crossroads. Turn left, and follow this tunnel as far as you can. (Note: At one point, you may think you're at a dead end. Look up and to your left, and you should see the passage continuing.)

This is a spot where Thief differs from Thief Gold. If you're playing Thief, you should come to a T-Section, with the two other tunnels being somewhat dark. Turn to your right, but don't go forward. Instead, look down, and inch forward somewhat, until you find the uncut diamond (50, Treasure Count: 365). If you are playing Thief Gold, then the tunnel will eventually dead-end, near the remains of another unfortunate adventurer. Near his skull you'll find the uncut diamond (50, Treasure Count: 365).

Now, make your way back to those crossroads (there should be no problem, as there were no other turns you could take on your way here), and turn right. Follow the tunnel until you've returned to the opening which leads back into the Burrick caves.

SAVE YOUR GAME! While you should have no trouble bypassing the Burricks here, it's best to be safe. Exit the tunnel you are currently in. While you could probably take any of the three possible passages here, for the sake of this walkthrough, take the left's darker, and you can possibly hide if you need to. Follow this passage as far as you can, hugging the left wall. When you cannot move forward anymore, turn to the right. See that lighted tunnel up near the ceiling? That's where you want to go. Press forward, hugging the left wall again, and you should climb the wall at the same time. Soon, you'll get the mouth of the tunnel. Pull yourself up into it. [Note: Alternatively, there is a rope hanging from the ceiling that you can grab and climb up, then jump into the tunnel mouth. Whichever method you prefer, use it.]

Move forward, following the tunnel until it opens into another white-gray underground cavern, with a rope hanging down at the mouth of your tunnel. Hop down onto the ledge below, turn left, and follow the ledge all the way over to the red tunnel you can see. Climb into that tunnel, and follow it up.

SAVE YOUR GAME! You are about to enter what is referred to on your map as the "Halls of Echoing Repose". This area is heavily populated with Zombies, and they patrol the area. You may want to take a few of them out to make this area a little more bearable. [Note that, if you are doing this part of the mission simply by avoiding the Zombies, then you may have to move very fast. This is a good way to get yourself turned around and disoriented. Whenever you find a chance to stop for a moment, if you've made any progress whatsoever, I suggest saving your game.]

The Halls of Echoing Repose

When you climb out of the tunnel into the Halls of Echoing Repose, Garrett will make a comment about "tombs with piped-in music". That's the Horn of Quintus you're hearing. Move straight ahead, so that the large pillar in the centre of the room passes by on your left. Ahead, you should see a stack of alcoves flanked by an exit on either side. Take the right hand one. Move forward, ignoring the hallway to your right, and instead enter the room ahead on your right. There should be a few Corpse-Zombies lying on the floor, in front of a small ramp with a jewelled urn at the top. Grab it (100, Treasure Count: 465), and leave. [Deal with the Corpse-Zombies as you see fit. I usually destroy two as they lie there, using Holy Water Arrows. Note that this room contains one of the golden bones mentioned previously.]

[NOTE:  The above room is an ideal ambush point. When I played the last time (using Thief Gold), I sat in here and just pumped Zombies full of Holy Water Arrows as they came in the door. Took out about ten or so.]

Exit the room, and turn right. Hug the right wall, until you find a shadowy alcove on the left side of the hall. Go into that area, and you'll find a door. Open it, and go in. The two corpses on the floor are Corpse-Zombies. Directly across from the door is an alcove which contains a gold vase (100, Treasure Count: 565). (You'll have to move at least one boulder, and crouch to get into the alcove.)

Leave the room the way you came in, and turn right. Head down this corridor, until you can see (ahead and to the right slightly) a white stonework "wall". Head towards that area. Once you're there, turn left and move forward (the white "wall" should be on your right). Note that at just about this point is another of those golden bones. Once you've passed the "wall", turn right and move forward (again, the "wall" should be on your right). On the wall on your left, up above your head-level, you should see some sort of engraving. There's a ledge there with another uncut diamond (50, Treasure Count: 615). Keep moving ahead, and go through the passage on the leftmost side of the wall ahead. [Note: The white "wall" is a sort of guard rail for a staircase leading down. At the bottom is a hole leading into a flooded area. If you go down here, and follow the water into the next chamber, you'll find another golden bone floating in the water.]

Keep following this passage until you find a turn in the right hand wall. Go in. You should be looking at a room with no floor, and a walkway across. Go across the walkway, but be's trapped in the centre. Jump across the depression in the centre to avoid setting off the trap. Behold, a ladder! Take the ladder all the way to the top, and turn to your right. Grab the vase (50, Treasure Count: 665).

SAVE YOUR GAME! This part is a bit tricky. While still on the ladder (make sure you're as far up as you can get), turn to face the bier opposite the one which had the treasure on it. Hop onto it (jump while holding the WALK button, not the RUN button). Now, ahead and down somewhat you should see an opening in the wall, that you could never reach if you were beneath it. Now that you are above it though, run and jump towards it, and you should land safely in the opening. [This is really tricky. The secret is to not run right to the edge and jump. Try jumping from about the centre of the coffin you're standing on.]

[NOTE:  At least one person has said that the jump I just described is very difficult to accomplish, and suggested re-writing the walkthrough for this level to include a different way to get there. I tested this jump, and except for one or two fumbles, I was able to make the jump time and time again with no difficulty, so I've decided to leave it as is. Comments?]

Directly ahead of you is a passageway. Move down there, and when you come near the end you'll see a chamber with a hammer-shaped light on the floor. DO NOT ENTER THE LIGHT! The lighted floor sections are pressure plates, which cause some sort of acid to rain down on you. Instead, move off to either the right or the left side of the light. On either side, is a recessed coffin, with a skull sitting on top. Behind each skull is a golden goblet (15, 15, Treasure Count: 680, 695). Also, at the end of the room is another small chamber. Inside is another goblet (15, Treasure Count: 710).

[NOTE:  At the far end of this room, flanking the entrance to the far chamber, are two ladders descending into the room below. Down in that room you will find the last two golden bones, plus a holy water font. Also in this room is the coffin where you "bury" the bones. Drop each one into the coffin (they will disappear), and when all five are put in, six areas around the coffin light up, highlighting your rewards for putting this poor soul to rest.] Leave the way you came in, and turn right.

Obtaining the Mystic's Soul

SAVE YOUR GAME! Thief Gold has made this portion more difficult with a new monster! (If you are playing the original Thief, ignore everything regarding the Flaming Spirit. The rest of the puzzle is the same.)

Follow this passage until you can turn right again, and do so. Inside the room ahead, far off, you should see what appears to be someone on fire moving around. This is a Flaming Spirit. Take him out (using either Water or Holy Water Arrows), then move forward (pick up the Fire Arrow he leaves behind, if you are so inclined). Ignore the heavy breathing you hear from some nearby Zombies...they are trapped at the moment and cannot reach you. In the centre of the room ahead, on the floor, is some sort of locking mechanism. Try though you might, you cannot unlock it. Also in the room, are five doors, which you cannot open. There are also five unlit torches on the walls.

Move forward, very close to the locking mechanism. Now, pull out your Fire Arrows, and light each torch above the doors. This will open the locking mechanism, revealing a well of water. It also unlocks the five doors, releasing five Zombies into the room. Dive into the well, and swim to the other end. When you surface, climb out of the water.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This room is heavily trapped. Arrows will be shooting out of the stairs, and purple energy out of other holes around the room, so this must be done carefully. Move forward, until you are between the first two opposite pillars. Move either left or right, so you are lined up with the EDGE of the stairs (not the stairs themselves...the "banisters", if you like). Now, run forward, jump and land on the banister. You might hear some activity behind you as the traps are going off, although sometimes you can manage this without hitting the pressure plate. Move to the top of the banister, towards the pedestal. Before you get any bright ideas though, look down. Hmmm...a skull. Remember "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? Pick up the skull. Now, place it on the pedestal, in the recessed area with the gem. Once it's there, you can pick up The Mystic's Soul (500, Treasure Count: 1210). When you pick it up, there should be no activity whatsoever...the skull is weighing down the trap trigger. Congratulations, Indiana! If you misplaced the skull, well...aren't you glad you saved your game? (It can be a little tricky to place the skull properly.)

[NOTE:  For those playing the original Thief game, it has been suggested to me that balancing the skull on the pedestal is not exactly necessary. You should be able to just grab the gem while standing on the left side of the stairs (NOT on the stairs proper, but the "railing" area. (I am assuming that this is the left side of the stairs as you face the pedestal.) This doesn't appear to be possible anymore in Thief Gold, however. They've redesigned the staircase so you can't reach the gem while on the railing.]

Those traps are still active, so if you want to get out with your prize, work your way back down the same way you got up. Head back to the hole in the ground that you used to enter this room. See that ladder above the waterhole? Get on that, climb up, and move forward in the resulting tunnel until you find another ladder.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Thief Gold players have an additional problem to deal with here. If you're playing the original Thief, skip down to the next paragraph. That Flaming Spirit that you dealt with earlier is back, and on patrol. I have only done this part once myself, and as soon as I got off the ladder I RAN for the exit...he never caught me. However, it MAY be possible for him to do so. If so, keep watch while you're on the ladder as he moves around down there, and when you think he is sufficiently far enough away to give you your chance at escape, take it. We now return you to our regularly scheduled walkthrough....

Obtaining the Horn of Quintus

Grab onto that ladder, and move down. Before jumping off the ladder, make sure you are facing the wall that the ladder is attached to. Jump off, and you'll fall back down into the entryway before the "well room". Those Zombies are still roaming, but fortunately, you are facing the way out, so as soon as your feet hit the ground, move forward and out of the room. Turn left when you exit, and keep going straight, ignoring any turns, until you find a long wooden ramp. Turn right onto the ramp, and move forward through the tunnel it connects to. At the end, be sure you're still running and jump across that abyss. Turn left, climb the stairs, go through that doorway, and climb to the top of the ramp.

SAVE YOUR GAME! I don't know WHAT those purple balls of energy are, but they can kill. Turn to your left, and follow this ledge (being wary of the purple energy). About halfway across, stop and turn to your right. Aha! Once it's safe to cross the path of the shooting energy, move into this room. Take the first right, move forward, and then turn right into a natural cavern.

You've just entered an area with quite a few Burricks in it. However, the sound of the Horn of Quintus has lulled them into peace, and you can move through here without worry (unless you attack one). So, move forward, then turn left. At the bottom of this tunnel is a chamber. Through the one exit you can see some Burricks. Through the other, nothing. Take the second one (it's on your right). Move through that opening, then turn left when the opportunity presents itself. Move forward from there into a dark cavern, and turn right. You should see two Burricks guarding the passage there. Move between and behind them. You should now see, to your right, a passage that does NOT look natural. Move through there, and you'll be in a room with statues and coffins.

Move ahead, and turn left. Once you've entered the next room, Garrett will make a comment like, "Good thing I'm not afraid of heights." As his comment suggests, you have to climb here. From the entrance, you should be able to see, to your left, a ladder. Go there, climb up, and get off at the next level. Now, move around the walkway to the opposite end of the chamber, and you should soon find another ladder going up. Climb up and get off at the next level. While facing AWAY from the ladder you just got off of, turn to your right, and move around the walkway to not quite the opposite end. Again, you'll find another ladder. This one is rather difficult to see, so look carefully. Climb up.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This ladder is a little tricky to disembark correctly. You want to face towards the right (as you're looking at the centre of the room). Jump off, then move around until you come to an opening in the pillar in the centre of the room. Move inside, jump across and grab the ladder. Climb up to the top. Once you climb off the ladder, move forward. Garrett will remark that you've found the Horn. Grab it.

Oh dear. That haunting music stopped. I wonder why? Turn around, move forward, and work your way around the pillar until you are at the opposite end from the one you climbed up. Jump forward off the pillar and land on the ledge below. Turn around, and walk of the ledge to another below on the left (if your back is against the wall). Once more, walk off, and land on the walkway below. You should be near the ladder that brought you up here. Get on it, and work your way down back to the ground floor the same way you got up. Once down there, take the tunnel back out, and through the room with the coffins, which opens onto the Burrick caverns.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Uh-oh...something seems to have agitated them. Since you've grabbed the Horn, it is no longer playing its soothing song, and the Burricks are just a wee bit upset about this. Get out the same way you came through the two Burricks, turn left, then right, then climb the tunnel to your left, turn right, then turn left, then left again. That should take you back to the room with the shooting purple energy.

Don't hang around sightseeing...those Burricks just may be following you. Work your way back to the top of the ramp, then down it. In the next room, follow the stairwell all the way around, and go through the exit.

Tomb Robbing

Move forward until you can't anymore, and turn left. Move out onto the catwalk, stopping where it joins another walkway. Turn so you are exactly facing the ledge you see across from you.

SAVE YOUR GAME! If this doesn't work, you're one dead Thief. You have to time this just right. Run and jump across to the ledge. You won't land on it, so you'll have to pull yourself up onto it.

[NOTE:  If you are having difficulty making this jump, try drinking the Speed potion that you picked up earlier in the mission. It will make your jump easier to accomplish.]

Once you're on solid ground again, move forward into the burial chamber, move past the first set of alcoves. At the second set, turn to your left, and in this burial alcove you will find another goblet (15, Treasure Count: 1225). That's all that's in here, so turn around, climb up, and head back out onto the ledge. Turn right, and move as far forward as you can. Then, turn left, line yourself up with the walkway below and move forward, falling onto it (RUN, don't walk).

Turn right, and move down this corridor. Be careful, as there is a trap that you will want to avoid. Keep moving until you find an opening to your left. From out of this opening, you should see small fireballs hitting the wall opposite the entrance. Well, you need to go in there, so wait until a fireball smacks the wall, then push forward into the room, keeping to the right of the fireball stream once you're in. Move towards the wall opposite the entrance, and you'll see a hold in the floor, with a ladder sticking out.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This part isn't really dangerous, just annoying if you do it at the wrong time. You want to climb down the ladder into the room below. There is a Corpse-Zombie in the centre of the room. Once you are down, turn around so that the ladder you just descended is to your back. You want to head for the ladder that leads up the wall on your left. At the top of this ladder, turn left, and grab the golden cup (25, Treasure Count: 1250). Climb back down, and back up the ladder you originally used to get down here. Turn left, and jump onto the bier at the top of the ladder. Then, turn to face the interior of the room, and pull yourself up.

Once again, you have to get past that fireball trap. Wait for the right moment, then move through the doorway, and turn left. When you get to the ramp that leads down, turn left (AWAY from the ramp, facing the wall). Be careful, as there is a Corpse-Zombie nearby. There is a ladder here. Climb it all the way to the top.

Obtaining the Mystic's Heart

Once there, turn all the way around, and jump into the next room. Move around the hole in the floor to the opposite end, where you'll find an exit. Move through here, and follow this hall to the next chamber.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a Burrick on guard in the next room, and you have to either get past it, or kill it. To get past, take either the left or the right path, it doesn't matter which, and move up the ramp, and down the next one into the next room. At the far end (directly across from the Burrick) is another doorway. Move through it, to the end.

[NOTE:  While moving around the ramps to get past Mister Morning Breath, you don't need to sneak...I was able to run the entire way without attracting attention.]

SAVE YOUR GAME! This part is very tricky, and a wrong step could be your last. You may want to save your game a couple of times through this. You have to work your way down to the room below, without falling, and without getting killed by those purple energy streams. Move across the top beam to the centre, then step off on your left side (be careful, there are purple streams shooting along its length). Move to the end of that beam, and hop off the side (to your left) onto the ledge below. Turn so your back is to the want to jump over to the beam on your right now. Once you've done that, move to its centre, and hop down onto the beam below (again, be careful of the purple streams!). Move to the centre, hop down to the next beam, and move off of it and onto the floor. You should be close enough now to do so with no damage, or minimal damage. Turn to the exit, and leave the room.

SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a warning plaque on the ground before entering this next room: "He upon whom the gaze of the Guardians falls, he shall be destroyed." This room is filled with statues and pillars. The statues are the Guardians. If your path crosses the gaze of one of these statues, you're fried.

Move into the room, and turn right. Go past the first statue, and pass the first pillar with it being on your right. Move across to the next pillar you see, walking around it with it being on your left. You should now be in a slightly darker area, with two statues nearby, and directly ahead and to your left another pillar. Walk forward, and hug that next pillar, keeping it on your right. Hug the next one as well, this time keeping it on your left. Hug this last pillar, keeping it on your right. Now that you're past all the Guardians, move forward to the door to the next room.

SAVE YOUR GAME! As soon as you set foot in the next room, a bright light appears in the centre, and another guardian appears (a Hammer Haunt). At the opposite end of the room, past the guardian, is a chest containing the Mystic's Heart, beyond which is a teleporter.

You can handle this section in one of four ways. I find that the first way is the fastest and simplest:

  1. Run into the room. When the guardian appears, just ignore him. Run right past him, and as you pass the chest (DON'T stop!), grab the Mystic's Heart. Keep running into the teleporter. The guardian will not follow you. (This method takes me about 10 seconds.)
  2. The long way. As soon as the light comes on, rush over to one of the dark sides of the room, crouch, and wait for him to stop looking for you. Sneak quietly around to the other side of the room, pausing occasionally to wait while he looks around for you. (This method takes me about 4 minutes.)
  3. The intermediate way. Before stepping into the room, arm your Sword. Prepare for a smashing blow as you step into the room, then run forward and deliver it. After that, it should only take two sideswings to deal with this guardian permanently. (This method takes me about 20 seconds.)
  4. If you can trigger the Guardian WITHOUT alerting him a single Fire Arrow shot will destroy him. (This method also takes me about 20 seconds.)

After using your method of choice, move to the box at the end of the room, and open it to get the Mystic's Heart (1000, Treasure Count: 2250). Move into the teleporter behind the chest, and you'll be teleported back to the start of this area, up at the top with the shooting purple streams.

Leaving the Bonehoard

Turn so you are facing away from the room with the streams. Move to the end of the hall. In the next chamber, you need to sneak by the Burrick again. Do so in the same way as you did before. Once you reach the other exit, use it, and find the ladder that brought you up here. You need to climb back down again. Once you're at the bottom of the ladder, turn left (if you're facing the ladder), and head down this passage again. You'll need to time yourself to avoid the fireball again. Once you are past it, follow the path into the next room, then cross to the opposite end of the chamber. Climb the ramp up, and turn right. Follow this path to the foot of another ramp. Climb this ramp up, and enter the room at the top.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This part can be tricky and deadly. You need to get into the pit at the bottom. You can either fall in, or use a Rope Arrow to create a more subtle entrance. However, if you use a Rope Arrow, make sure you do NOT make it too close to the north end of the pit.

Once you are in the pit, turn to face the... okay, turn to face the face. Move to either the left or the right side of it, and then move forward. The eyes in the face are diamonds. Once you are close enough, you can grab one of the eyes (you may need to LEAN over to do so) (100, Treasure Count: 2350). Then, move AWAY from the face, and once the fireworks have stopped, move to the other side, and repeat (100, Treasure Count: 2450). [For those of you who like completeness, behind the pillar directly across from the face is a chest containing 4 more Rope Arrows.] Once you have the eyes, climb back out of the pit (use your Rope Arrow now if you didn't use it to climb down). [Once more, for those who like completeness, remember that your Rope Arrows are retrievable.]

Once you are out of the pit, leave the room the way you came in. Climb down the ramp. At the foot of the ramp is a passageway. Go through it. Follow it as far as you can. When you get to the point where you can either go right or move forward a few more feet and THEN turn right, take the first right. (I hope that made sense!) At the end of that hall (you should be facing a barrel in front of an opening in the wall), turn left. See that hold near the floor in the left wall? Crouch down and go in there. Follow this passage all the way to the end. Exit out onto the top of the Bonehoard. Congratulations! You're a successful grave robber!